About three weeks ago, our friend Seymour Simon helped our kindergarteners kick off their Iowa Animal PBL Project at Van Meter.
It was such a special day and was the perfect way to engage our little ones as they participate in their first big research project. This was such a fun way to start as they developed their very own research and project.
Today we will be hosting our very first "Project Playground" with the projects that our kindergarteners created highlighting their driving questions and different facts about their Iowa animals. Last year we had all of them take turns sharing by standing up in front of the room and basically reading their report. This year we wanted to get them involved by taking ownership over their learning, having fun, and sharing what they learned in their own special way.
And not just with each other.....but with the their parents and outside of the four walls too.
Instead of reading a report or having something completely prepared, the kindergarteners will be focusing on sharing their driving question and what they learned from this.

We wanted to give them a chance to practice having these conversations so we invited Seymour to Skype with both classes of kindergarteners.
Monday morning we Skyped from Miss McClintock's classroom at 9:00am. Each student had a chance to come up, tell Seymour and their class about their Iowa animal, and what drove their research and learning.
They were all so proud to share.
At 9:45am, I went over to Mrs. Caltrider's classroom to give them a chance to share their beautiful projects with all of us too.
As you can see.....these little ones were just as happy and proud of all the learning they had done.
We are so thankful for our friend Seymour and what he has brought to this project, our school, and especially to our little ones.
Thank you my friend.
In the afternoon, each kindergartener brought their project to the library to help set up for the "Project Playground" in the morning.
They were all smiles and so proud that their "community" within the school and globally would see their work.....their thinking, their research, their creativity.
It will be a fun morning at the "Project Playground" and one that I know we will all learn a lot from.And one that we will never forget.
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