Friday, July 26, 2024

8 NEW Olympic PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next Articles LIVE Today, Friends! Check Them Out!


The 2024 Summer Olympics start today in Paris. I am so excited to watch the Opening Ceremonies and to see all of the amazing athletes and highlights throughout the next two weeks. 

Our friends at Capstone created 8 NEW Olympic PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next articles for us. And guess what. they are LIVE today!  
In PebbleGo Social Studies, you will find an entire category called The Olympics. 
This includes Olympic Games, Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. 
In PebbleGo Next Social Studies,  you will find.... amazing Olympic Games article in the Culture category. 
And then in PebbleGo Biographies, there are four new articles featuring a few of the biggest stars in Paris for this year's games. Readers will love reading about Gabby Thomas, Breanna Stewart, Jordan Chiles, and Frederick Richard, in addition to all of the other Olympians who already have articles in PebbleGo.

I am creating a special choice board collection to share and will post that on my blog later today. This will be a great thing to share with your students as they watch the Olympic Games this summer. I plan to share the choice board on my library social media and in a special newsletter too. 

Have fun watching the Olympics, friends. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Friends, Please Join Us At The PebbleGo Community! You Can Apply Today.


Friends, we would LOVE to have you join the PebbleGo Community. 

As shared on the new PebbleGo Community site

PebbleGo’s community of educators share ideas and a vision for improved learning experiences and work every day to help kids succeed by making learning fun. We‘re looking for K-5 educators who want to share their teaching experience with others as part of a like-minded community of volunteers.

PebbleGo Community members are given early access to product releases, invited to dedicated events, and are provided with excellent opportunities to grow their professional learning network. As part of this program, you'll learn new teaching strategies and receive exclusive insights and benefits. Join the community to transform learning with the PebbleGo team in new and meaningful ways!
Apply here today to be part of this special new community. I can't wait for all of the amazing experiences, resources and fun the PebbleGo Community will bring. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Join Us For Back-to-School Special: Ask A Future Ready Librarian on August 14! You Can Register Here, Friends.


Join us for an exciting and interactive webinar on August 14, 2024 at 5:00-6:00pm EST. This one is designed to kick off your school year with a boost! 

Our "Ask a Librarian" webinar, hosted by the inspiring Shannon McClintock Miller, offers a unique opportunity to engage with four exceptional librarians from across the country. These experts will be on hand to answer your questions and share their experiences in creating innovative, collaborative, and student-centered learning library communities.

During this webinar, you will:

Gain insights into best practices from experienced Future Ready Librarians

Address challenges and opportunities in implementing the Future Ready Librarians Framework

Learn strategies for success and professional growth in library leadership roles

We encourage you to bring your questions or submit them beforehand to ensure they are addressed during the session.

Register today - it’s FREE!

P.S. Even if you can’t attend live, register anyway to receive the on-demand video as soon as it’s available.

P.P.S. Submit your questions to Lia Dossin at

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Thinking About Genrefying Your Library? Here Are Our Top 10 Tips & Tricks For Genrefication, Friends.


This summer, one of Shannon's Summer Series webinars from Follett Content was all about genrefication. Genrefication is the process of organizing, classifying, and categorizing items into genres, making it easier for our readers to browse and find books they want to read. It also helps our teachers find books they want to tie to the curriculum and use with their students in the classroom. 

Two of my special teacher librarian friends, Amanda Chacon and Lauren Mobley,  joined me for the amazing conversation and learning that took place in the webinar, Dewey or Don’t We? 

During the webinar, we spoke about the pros and cons of genrefication, and went on to share our favorite tips and tricks when taking on the task of genrefying your library collection.  Before I share the webinar recording and resources, I would love to share 10 Tips for Genrefication that I took away from the webinar, and that I have used within our library at Van Meter School, too. 

Here Are Our Top 10 Tips & Tricks for Genrefication 


As you are thinking about genrefying your library, ask a few friends to help. This will really speed along the process. It is also super helpful to have others to talk to as you are weeding and going through the process of genrefying your library.  

My daughter, Brianna, who was a senior at my school at the time helped genrefy our collection along with several other students in elementary and middle school. It was great to have the feedback of our readers.  After all, it is their library. 


The first step when you get to your shelves, is to weed. Weed, and then weed again. When I genrefied our library, one of the best things about the process was getting my hands on every single book we had in our collection.  As you are weeding and moving things around, you get to know your collection so well. 

It’s super helpful to run an online collection analysis with TitleWise.  You can then get a personalized report that shows the weaknesses of the collection, and also the strengths. This helps to plan an effective weeding strategy as you explore and sort the books in your collection, while looking for possible weeding candidates. 


Next, define the genre categories you want for your collection. I like to call these  the “book neighborhoods” in our library. You want to be sure the decisions you make when creating your categories or book neighborhoods help the students and teachers find books throughout the library and on the shelves. Are they helping them locate books?  Does it help them find relatable books? Does it get them excited about browsing the shelves? I love how it gives them a “bookstore” feel and provokes conversations and curiosity. 

Tag Explorer within Titlewave is super helpful. You can browse BISAC Subject Headings, Sears Subject Headings, and Follett Tags. This really helped us define the genre categories for our library. 

4. CHAT 

When we were defining our genre neighborhoods, I talked to our readers a lot. It’s important to listen to your students in this process.  As we shared in the webinar, create special sections for the most requested and popular books, and even change these up throughout the year with holidays, award books, most popular authors, and more. 

5. MAP 

After defining the genre categories, it is time to lay out a map of where you want the genre neighborhoods to be throughout the library.  Think about what makes sense to your readers, and to your teachers. 

When we had our map laid out, we took sticky notes and labeled all of the shelves with the genre categories. I kept these up for a few days and moved them around as I thought through the locations and how we wanted them arranged. 

6. TEST 

It is now time to move books around into these genre neighborhoods. You don’t have to do the whole library at one time. You can make changes in small chunks. 

Before I tackled our entire library, I tested it out first with graphic novels. I took all of the graphic novels and moved them onto a big shelf section that was located right where the kids walked into the library. I made a colorful sign that said, Check out our graphic novels!  I watched and studied what happened to the circulation of graphic novels. Within a few days, the circulation of all graphic novels increased and our readers were so excited to see so many in our collection. So I then tried it with some of our nonfiction that was never checked out, and the same thing happened.  Just by moving things around, we got our readers' attention. After that experience, I knew it would be a hit to genrefy our library.   When our library opened that fall, it was ready for our readers. 


One of the most important things about genrefying is the signage and labels. It is important for students to be able to walk into the library and find what they need by browsing the signage and labels. In the webinar, we shared how important it is to use pictures and words so that all readers can find what they need on the shelves. 

Follett Content has amazing custom genre label designs in the Do-It-Yourself Genre Kits in Titlewave. They include the spine labels, shelf labels, and posters. You can also use or even have Follett Content apply  color coded protector labels to help define and label  genre neighborhoods.


When you need extra help, Follett Content also provides support through their Library Genre Services. These services are customized to meet the unique needs of each library. They can even help genrefy your book order with genre labels so you don’t have to do it yourself, and then ship your books shelf-ready and in genre order! And I love how our genres were even added to our Titlewave account, which makes it very easy for cataloging.  


We worked on the project for about 8 weeks one summer. But that is pretty fast. With the help of our students using the library, we refined it throughout the entire school year

Genrefication is a slow process and it’s normal for it to go on for many weeks and even months!  Take your time and work on one section at a time.  


Within all of these tips and tricks in genrefication, one of the best tips I have to share is to be open and prepared to continue to make changes and adjustments to your genre neighborhoods. 

Even once our library was genrefied, we continued to make changes throughout the year.  In fact, we continue to make changes every single year. That is one of the great things about genrefication. Be open to suggestions from your readers. Be open to suggestions from teachers.  And remember, you don’t have to do everything at once. 

Now that we have shared 10 Tips and Tricks for Genrefication, check out the webinar, Dewey or Don’t We? here on demand.  You will also find the webinar slides and resources here

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Perfect Mystery Series That Promotes Critical Thinking & Digital Citizenship Skills...The Cyber Sleuths Series From Capstone & ISTE!


Our friends at Capstone and ISTE have an exciting new series coming out on August 1st!  

It's the Cyber Sleuths series, a new mystery series, written by Natasha Deen and illustrated by Mariano Epelbaum, that promote critical thinking and digital citizenship skills. It's the series that I can't wait to bring to our library and classroom this fall.  

As a librarian and teacher, I love that each book ties into real-life uses of technology and media literacy skills, such as online research, social media, and using digital tools. It will give our students a great place to learn and think about various media literacy skills, while also giving us a place to tie in important conversations and learning activities. 
And one of the best parts is that at the back of the book students will find the Cyber Sleuths Code which is connected to the seven ISTE Student Standards. The Cyber Sleuths are the perfect way to prepare and teach our students how to navigate the digital world they are part of every day, while reading exciting stories they love, too!

Capstone also shares this online

Meet the Cyber Sleuths, a worldwide, online network of tech-savvy kids wired-in and ready to take on the internet’s worst scams, fakes, and bad actors. With high-tech tools and big-time data, they combat misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation circulating in their communities. Created in partnership with ISTE, this action-packed chapter book series is sure to entertain while at the same time equipping readers with critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to identify credibility in the information they consume.

Capstone is excited to partner with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) to publish a special collection of children’s books promoting digital citizenship awareness and the positive and creative use of technology and digital tools. The collaboration connects our engaging storytelling with ISTE's research-based best practices on technology use in schools, empowering educators to have positive conversations around using technology to create and problem solve. Explore our growing collection of children's books!
In the Cyber Sleuths Educator's Guide, you will find Cyber Sleuths Code and amazing....
...discussion questions, extension activities and more for each of the four titles. 
You can click here to go to this interactive choice board which includes a preview of The Super Berries Scam, the educators guide, poster, and crossworld puzzle.  And the purple button at the bottom will take you to the Cyper Sleuths series at 

With Digital Citizenship Week coming up October 14-18, 2024, I am planning a whole celebration around this series, and the others within this collection including Sonia's Digital World and Exploring AI.  You will find all of these on the Capstone and ISTE partnership page here

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Be A Guest On Sesson 9 of the Future Ready Librarians Podcast Series, Friends. We Would Love To Hear About and Celebrate Your Work.


We are getting ready to kick off Season 9 of the Future Ready Librarians Podcast! 

Over the last eight seasons, I have welcomed so many wonderful librarians, educators and industry leaders to share their stories, passions and to discuss important and relevant topics to all of us as we lead within and from our libraries. 

You will find the Leading From The Library podcast page here

As I get ready to start recording Season 9, I am looking for new guests to join me. 

If you have a topic and story you would like to share and talk about, please reach out by emailing me at and let me know. 

I can't wait to celebrate and share your stories and work, friends. 

A New Follett Content Story Corner With Cedar Pruitt As She Shares Her Debut Book, Fire Flight, A Wildlife Escape.


In the special new Follett Content Story Corner, Cedar Pruitt reads her debut picture book, Fire Flight, A Wildlife Escape, published with Capstone.  

This book is about the journey of a screech owl that fled the flames to ride along with a firefighting helicopter during the 2020 California Creek wildfire. 

You will find this Story Corner choice board here. It includes the video of Cedar reading Fire Flight and a link to the book and Educator's Guide that can be found on Titlewave. 

You will find more exciting author interviews, reading and discussions here, friends. 

Join The PebbleGo Community, Friends! Applications Are Open Now Through August 16, 2024.


🌟 Join the PebbleGo Community! 🌟 📚 Are you passionate about learning? 👋 Do you love sharing your experiences & connecting with your community? We are excited to announce the launch of our PebbleGo Community Program & want you to be a part of it! 👉 Apply at today.

The application period is open now through August 16, 2024.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Check Out These NEW Downloadables That Pair With The Upcoming Capstone Fall 2024 Books!


Our friends at Capstone are getting ready for the Fall 2024 New Books and I couldn't be more excited to see all of these upcoming titles! 
As Capstone shared on the site, 

Welcome to our preview of the most anticipated books for fall! Among the books we’re most excited about this season include Author vs. Illustrator, a laugh-out-loud picture book about the not-so-simple process of creating a picture book from Lemke & Lentz, the collaborators behind the quirky and Instaworthy Book-O-Beards. Continuing the theme of book love, two new picture books you don’t want to miss are Overdue by Gloria Koster, a story about a forgotten library book told from his point of view, and The Pass by Sara Laux Akin, a tender story of sports, reading, and friendship, celebrating the empowerment and connection a good book can give.

Also new this season is Tana Cooks, an early chapter book series perfect for beginning readers about a Choctaw second-grader who loves to cook and bake with her family, and Cyber Sleuths, a middle grade mystery series created in collaboration with the International Society for Technology in Education that encourages readers to think about combatting dis/mis/malinformation in their own lives. 

Take a sneak peek at highlights of Capstone’s Fall 2024 titles before they hit the shelves.

You can get your sneak peek here, friends. 
They also created lots of amazing new downloadables for several of the new books. 

You will find all of these downloadables, and more, here on the Capstone site.  

There are perfect to pair up with these amazing new books in the library, classroom and other subjects like art and STEM. 

Check Out The Canva Design School Back-to-School Teacher Toolkit!

I love using Canva for so many things. It's my go-to tool for hundreds of tasks as a librarian and teachers. And I love sharing it with other librarians, teachers, colleagues, and students too. 

As we get ready for a new year, our friends at Canva Design School have created the Back-to-School Teacher Toolkit. This is a super helpful resource that will help all of us learn and use Canva even more effectively this year.  And I promise you will learn a lot of new things along the way. 

Friends, Join Us For The Level Up Village Community Fest....An Exciting Virtual Event To Bring Global Collaboration To Your School Community.


Summer just got hotter!

Join us this summer for Level Up Village Community Fest, a dynamic virtual event celebrating the benefits of global collaboration and virtual exchanges in education. 

Featuring inspiring educators in world languages, STEM and art, and library, this event is for all teachers interested in learning about global collaboration for their students and transforming their classrooms.

Date: July 31, 2024

Time: 4:00 pm EST

You can register here for this special event. 

The first 20 teachers who register and attend will receive a special gift!
During the event, I can't wait to share all about LUV for Libraries, a wonderful new initiative that empowers librarians, connects communities and enriches the lives of students.  

You can learn all about LUV for Libraries and subscribe for your library and school community here

We can't wait to see you at our first Level Up Village Community Fest, friends. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Join Us On October 19th for the Future Ready Librarians Summit At Arkansas Tech University, Friends.


Friends, we are so excited to announce a very special Future Ready Schools event coming up this fall on October 19, 2024. 

We will be traveling to Arkansas Tech University in Russellville, Arkansas for the Future Ready Librarians Summit, Leading from the Library

This day will be an inspiring professional learning event designed to empower district librarians as catalysts for change. Discover how you can lead from the library and become a driving force for innovation in today’s ever-evolving educational landscape.

What to Expect:

  • Dive deep into the Future Ready Librarian framework and learn how to foster 21st-century skills through your library programs.
  • Gain insights into effective communication, collaboration techniques, and leadership strategies tailored to your unique environment.
  • Explore opportunities to actively contribute to curriculum development and instructional design.
  • Learn from successful collaboration models between librarians and other educators.
  • Discover new tools and resources to enhance library services and amplify student learning.
  • Utilize digital platforms to empower student voices and creativity.

AGENDA NOTES: Registration opens at 8:30 AM local time.The summit will take place from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM local time. There will be a 75-minute lunch break. Participants are welcome to explore the many dining options near the University or bring their own lunch.

Register today. Space is limited. 

We hope you can join us, friends. It's going to be a special day to learn, connect and celebrate Future Ready Librarians.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Join Us For The NEW Follett Content Webinar, Reading Mash-Up: Ideas To Bring Book Joy To Students!


Friends, I am excited to invite you to the August Follett Content webinar, Reading Mash-Up: Ideas to Bring Book Joy to Students, with my special guests Allie Cornejo and Heather Fox. 

As shared in the invite, 

These rock star librarians will share the various ways they have found success in sparking book joy among their students – from different genres and formats to promotions and events! The ideas and resources they share in this webinar will provide every librarian with fuel to kick off the new school year with excitement and energy. The panel will also share ways to bring book joy to your students.
Attendees will learn:

• New ideas and resources for bringing book joy to students
• How Titlewave® can be your “go-to” for finding and managing your collection, book lists, and ideas from other librarians and publishers
• How to use social media to promote book joy
• Easy and manageable ideas for a fantastic library

You can register for our free webinar here. Everyone will receive a certificate of participation too.

Don't worry if you can't attend live. We will send the recording and resources to everyone who registers.

Hope to see you there, friends. It is a great webinar as we get ready to kick off a new school year bringing book joy to our students and community too.

School Librarians: the Overlooked Ed-Tech Influencers...New EdWeek Article From Our ISTE 2024 Conversation!


At ISTE 2024, I had the honor of presenting with my amazing friends, Bill Bass, Carl Hooker, and Adam Phyall.  In the new EdWeek article, School Librarians: the Overlooked Ed-Tech Influencers, the  conversation we had during our presentation at ISTE is shared.  

Introducing PebbleGo Suite.....Look At This Exciting News From Our Friends At Capstone!

Our friends at Capstone have some very exciting news!  They are excited to announce PebbleGo suite!  

With PebbleGo suite, we can look at the needs of our school and learners and combine articles, eBooks, resources, digital tools, and print books, to supplement our curriculum and meet these needs. 

Let me give you a little peak at PebbleGo suite! 
You can customize your PebbleGo suite in 3 steps: 
Select your collection of nonfiction articles. Select from PebbleGo for K-2, PebbleGo Spanish for K-2, and PebbleGo Next for grades 3-5; 
Build your digital library by choosing from 6,000+ eBooks. Interactive eBooks live within the PebbleGo platform, so your digital library will enjoy maximum visibility and engagement from both educators and students. 
Turn on your discoverability and creation tools. With Create, students can easily draw, type, and record audio to demonstrate their new-found-knowledge. 
Educators can use standards-aligned search to enhance lesson planning. 
You can learn more and request a quote here for your PebbleGo suite today, friends. 

I am so excited to bring PebbleGo suite to my students, teachers and school community this school year. And I can't wait to see the difference it will make for all of our learners.