Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Check Out The NEW Follett Content Makerspace and Hands-On Learning Pages!

Friends, check out the NEW Follett Content Makerspace and Hands-On Learning pages! 
This amazing resource let us browse books and hands-on learning lists for PreK-12 education. 

As shared on the page, 

We understand you have no time to waste. That's why we want to help!

As a distribution leader of book and hands-on learning for PreK-12 schools, Follett Content offers tools to compile free and easy-to-use lists of recommended products by relevant and trending topics in education. Educators and administrators can find:

  • Books: New, popular, and quality books supplemented with strategies, free guides, and teaching downloads backed by third party reviews, and detailed product information.
  • Hands-On: Browse by popular product lines and subjects. Find storage solutions to outfit your Makerspaces, STEM labs, media centers, and library with products for arts and crafts projects, robotics, 3-D printing, prototyping, and more.

These lists will empower you to advocate for the books and hands-on learning materials you need to help students succeed!

From the Books and Hands-On Learning home page here, you can click on any of the three main categories including...
When you click on a category, like I clicked on Support STEAM and Core Subjects with Makerspace and Hands-On Learning Resources, it will open up onto a page that describes what is available and gives a...
...visual list of these materials too.  
I clicked on Art Products and Grades 6-12. It gave me a great list of products. 
In the upper right corner, you will see a little tile that says 6 our of 400 from the list I picked. I can click on the green button that says Shop Full List and it opens up into...
...Follett Titlewave.  I love this feature because it will allow me to add products to the lists I create and order within my Titlewave account. 

In our library, we have a STEM program and STEM teacher.  We share materials and talk about new things we want to bring to our school community. Using Titlewave to research products and organize orders will be the perfect place for us to collaborate on new books for STEM and makerspace,  and hands-on learning materials together. 

This will be such an amazing place for us as the librarian and STEM teacher, but also all of our teachers too. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Fall Is Back and So Is Capstone With So Many NEW Books! Join This Webinar To Hear About The Fall '24 Hot Picks!


Fall is back and so is Capstone!

Discover our newest brands, characters and curriculum solutions for your students. And don't forget, Learning Is For Everyone! Join us on Thursday, September 12th from 4p.m. -4:30 pm CST for an exclusive sneak peek at Capstone’s newest titles! • Introducing Tana Cooks, Bo Keeps the Beat and Nhia Normal! • Exciting spooky reads for Fall! • New titles and series from #AuthenticVoices authors • Engaging nonfiction for all ages • High Interest topics to get kids excited to learn • Vivid graphic novels • And so much more! A lot is changing for back-to-school 2024, but you can always count on is a new crop of fantastic books from Capstone!

Inspiring & Supporting a Love of Reading Within Our Community: The Top 5 Reasons We Love Destiny Discover Engage

As we kick off the new school year, I have been busy visiting classrooms for our library orientation. This is the perfect time to get all of our students and teachers connected to our library and technology resources including Follett Destiny Library Manager.  
A computer screen with a book on it

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Our students get so excited every time I show them Destiny Library Manager because they see all the print and digital resources we have in our library collection. I remind them that they can find books and information anytime, anywhere within Destiny Library Manager. It not only inspires a love of reading but gives them the essential tools every student needs to succeed. 

After I show them around Destiny Library Manager, I tell them I have something super cool to show inside of this exciting platform.

It's called Destiny Discover Engage. It's my favorite special add-on to Destiny Library Manager and brings so many benefits to all of our readers. It’s packed with features that make reading even more fun. 

Let me show you the Top 5 Reasons We Love Destiny Discover Engage and how it takes our students independent reading journey to the next level in so many special and exciting ways. 

1. Personalized Student Reading Recommendations: 

Students can set their own reading preferences using a fun interest survey that pops up the first time they log in. Based on what they enjoy, Destiny Discover Engage suggests books they might like, helping them find their next great read! This really helps students focus on what books they might want to check out next from the library.


2. Engaging Student Reading Programs and Initiatives: 

Students can join reading programs like summer reading challenges, school-wide book events, or even book clubs. This year, I’ve used this feature to promote our Iowa Award Books, and it’s been a big hit!

3. Reading Challenges  

One of the most exciting features is the ability for students to set up their own reading challenges. They can challenge themselves or invite friends to join. For example, a student created a challenge to read four basketball-themed books in November – and their friends loved it!

It is very easy to add any book from your library Destiny Discover to a Challenge. Students can be part of as many Challenges as they would like to join and can also leave them at any time. 

4. Track Reading Progress with Insights

Students can easily track their reading progress. This helps them stay motivated and on track toward reaching their reading goals! 

5. Celebrate Reading Achievements with Badges

As our students have joined Engage this fall, they get so excited when they earn a new badge.  It gives them the insight they need into making their goals and tracking their reading progress. 

I am excited to watch our reading community grow within Destiny Discover Engage. Throughout the school year, our students will have lots of opportunities to use Engage within their classroom, school community, and connected with classmates and share their love for books. It’s an excellent way to encourage reading all year long, and the best part? It creates a safe and supportive space where students can grow their love of reading

Engage is part of the growing suite of software and services from Follett Software. They support our educational goals and are committed to delivery exceptional service. This includes all things, Destiny. We still receive the committed, personalized, and expert assistance that has always been their standard. They continue to stand by us and are committed to delivering exceptional service. 

You can explore and learn more about Engage here, friends. 

P.S.. Learn about other ways to maximize Destiny Library Manager here

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Power of the School Librarian....A Wonderful Infographic From Our Friends At Capstone To Support, Share and Celebrate Our Role As School Librarians!


As we head into another school year, it is the perfect time for us to celebrate, share and educate others about the importance and impact of school librarians and libraries. 

The Power of the School Librarian infographic from our friends at Capstone is always one of my favorite things to use to supoort, share, and celebrate our role as school librarians. In fact, they have updated this amazing infographic for all of us to use. 

It's perfect to print off to post in your library and throughout the school community; to include in your newsletter or yearly report; to share with school board members and administrators; to share with your teachers and families; to post on your social media; to add to your website and so much more.  

You're Invited To Join Fostering Collaboration, Building Communities: A Special Event To Learn With Me!

Friends, I would love to invite you to join me for a new Level Up Village webinar on September 26, 2024 at 5:00pm EST. 

This will be a special online event for teacher librarians to learn more about fostering collaboration and  building communities with LUV for Libraries, an amazing new initiative we have created with Level Up Village. 

We will talk about this exciting new initiative and demonstrate how you can connect with librarians nationwide, fostering a vibrant community, and providing your students with opportunities to collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds to build their digital, literacy, and 21st century skills.

Register here for our event. I hope to see you there.
You can learn all about LUV for Libraries and register here.


Celebrate #BeWhoYouAreDay On September 30 With Todd Parr, Lots Of Awesome Activities & This FUN Interactive Choice Board!


Friends, I have a very special day to share with all of you. It's called #BeWhoYouAreDay and will be celebrated on September 30. It is inspired by one of our favorite authors, Todd Parr.

Todd inspires and empowers children around the world with fun, positive messages. 
With his amazing book, Be Who You Are, Todd wants every kid to feel just how special they truly are, and that’s why we’re celebrating #BeWhoYouAreDay on September 30. 
As you get ready for Be Who You Are Day, there are so many awesome resources on Todd's site.
You will find this fun sheet to share how you are celebrating; 
drawing and....
...learning activities, 
coloring sheets to print off, 
stickers to make for the day and more! You will find everything here
My sister, Heather Fox, who is the teacher librarian at Amana Elementary in Amana, Iowa, made this adorable and fun...
...#BeWhoYouAreDay Choice Board to share with her learners at school and at home. 

And guess what? She wants to share it with all of us so we can use it with our students, teachers and school community too.  You will find it here, friends. 

If you want to make changes within the choice board, you can make a copy of it here

Thank you, Heather, for creating such a wonderful and special place for all of us to go as we celebrate #BeWhoYouAreDay with our community and others around the world. 

And thank you Todd and Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for bringing us such a special day.  We can't wait to celebrate our kids on @BeWhoYouAreDay too.
I added the Be Who You Are Choice Board to the September Choice Board here.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Join Me For The Upcoming Webinar....Adventures Awaits For Our Readers With Online Book eFairs From Follett Content!


I hope you will join me for the upcoming Follett Content Webinar, Adventures Awaits For Our Readers With Online Book eFairs! 
As shared on the invite, 
Renowned teacher librarian Shannon McClintock Miller is no stranger to hosting a book fair. In fact, she hosts them bi-annually as they support her readers with books, and library with new books and resources. 
Find out why she’s added online Follett Book eFairs into the mix, how she took them to the next level, and how her students responded. And she’ll be the first to unveil the theme and book selections for the Spring 2025 Book eFair season!
Attendees will learn:
  • How to quickly and easily set up an online Follett Book eFair
  • Ideas and key takeaways that will help you bring your online fair to life
  • Ways to get teachers, students, families, and communities involved and excited
  • The new theme and book highlights for the Spring 2025 Follett Book eFair season

Everyone who registers will receive the recording and resources after the webinar too. 

BIG News From LUV For Libraries! Six Courses Are Now Available To Foster Collaboration and Connect Our Communities.


Friends, I am excited to share some BIG news from LUV for Libraries, the special project I have been working on with Level Up Village. LUV for Libraries revolutionizes K-5 education by empowering teacher librarians to connect and collaborate with peers nationwide on a safe and secure platform. 

We kicked off LUV for Libraries in the spring with the We Are Digital Explorers course based on my book, Sonia's Digital World. 

There are now SIX LUV for Libraries courses available and range from ages 4-11. Subscriptions run for 12 months and give you access to six project-based courses aimed at enhancing critical library, literacy, and technology skills while fostering collaboration, communication, and empathy.
With these courses, librarians can bring such amazing learning experiences to their students by being creative, collaborative, and connected within the library and to a partner school. 

Our students were so excited and engaged when we participated in the We Are Digital Explorers course last spring.  Our students not only focused on themselves as digital explorers and citizens, they learned from our "new friends and classmates" in the other school who we were partnered with. It opened up an opportunity for wonderful discussions and learning around such important topics tied to the use of technology and the ISTE Standards for Students.  

LUV for Libraries gives librarians great tools and opportunities to lead from the library in innovative, important and creative ways.  It also brings collaboration to your practice within the school, and globally. 

You can find out more at LUV for Libraries here.  I hope that you join us, friends. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Join Us For The Webinar, Empowering Students With Digital Citizenship Skills: your Digital Toolbox!


Join Future Ready Schools’ Dr. Adam Phyall and Shannon McClintock Miller for a webinar focused on teaching digital citizenship to K-12 learners through Achievery’s online platform. 
Teaching digital citizenship is crucial in today’s technology-driven world! You don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical tools to help your students become responsible digital citizens.
We are thrilled to collaborate with trusted partners who specialize in designing content and curriculum to promote digital citizenship, including MediaSmarts, Cyber Civics, and, iKeep Safe.
We will also share ideas and activities for celebrating Digital Citizenship Week 2024, which runs from October 18-22, 2024.
This webinar is for teachers, librarians, technology leaders, and principals who are passionate about equipping K-12 students with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the digital world responsibly and ethically.

You can register for our webinar today. Even if you can't attend live, register and we will send you the recording and materials after the webinar too. 

Hope to see you there, friends. 

The September Novel Effect Read Aloud Calendar & Book Activities Are Here, Friends.


We love Novel Effect at our school.  Our teachers and students share Novel Effect read alouds in the classrooms, and we share them in our library too. 

Every month, our friends at Novel Effects create amazing calendars and resources to share with all of us.

On the Novel Effect site, under the Resources tab, click on Read-Aloud Calendars. 

You will find each month's calendars and events. 
I clicked on September, 
and found two great calendars for the month. You will find them here, along with other amazing information and resources. 

Check back each month to find the special read-aloud calendars. 
And if you don't already have Novel Effect, you will want to go here today to learn more about the school plans available.  This is one of our all-time favorite tools at Van Meter, and I know you will love it for your school too. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

We Kicked Off Our Follett Book eFair This Week! Check Out How We Set This Up For Our Readers and School Community!


This week, we kick off our Follett Book eFair! We are so excited to start a new year with our readers hosting this special event. 

A Follett Book eFair is an online book fair. Follett Book eFairs are available to all PreK-8 schools in the US, and there is no minimum sales requirement. 

Let me show you how it works and what we are doing to kick this off for our readers, teachers, and families.
First, go to Follett Book eFairs and register here.

You sign up with the dates and details. 
A few weeks before your Follett Book eFair, a super cool box of materials will be delivered to your school. 
The box includes everything you need as you host Follett Book eFair.....
...Title Highlight Flyers to hand out to your readers, 
Promotional Posters, Goals Posters, Computer Monitor Sign, 
...and this great Coordinator Checklist and Guide. 

This box of materials pairs perfectly with the...

....Follett Book eFair site that organizes all of the details you need to set up, promote, organize and run your eFair. 
When you log into the Follett Book eFairs site, 
you will find links to Promote eFair, View Book, View Orders and download Orders Report. 
It's helpful having a few different ways to share the eFairs including a code and direct link. 
There is also a place to Manage Teacher Wish Lists. They just go to the link to manage their wish list and adding books they'd like for their classroom. 
By adding the teachers, it will also make it easier to distribute books after they are shipped to your school, because the orders are then grouped together for each teacher. 
We can also promote our Follett Book eFair by sending reminder emails to the parents who have order from previous eFairs.  As we have more and more eFairs, our list will grow and this will become a great way to promote them. 

Oh, and guess what?  There is a special Teacher Discount Code you can give your teachers. They get a 20% discount off full-priced items by entering the code in their cart. They will love this! 
As students and families log into our Follett Book eFair site,  they will see a message and the Goal that you set for your eFair. They can click on any of the images to go to that genre, and...

...choose from a drop down menu that features Picture Books, Beginning Readers, Chapter Books, and Middle Grade Fiction. 
At the very top of the page, I set up Staff Recommendations by choosing several books I wanted to highlight at our eFair and ones I know our readers will love. 

There are lots of visual ways to search for books, and books can be typed into the search bar too. 

With the details and our Follett Book eFair set up, I also wanted to download several materials to promote and celebrate our eFair. 

On the site, you will find....
.....several types of materials to download and share including Quick Start Guides, 
Message Templates, 
Digital Promotion, and...
....Posters and Signs. 
With the posters and signs, you can even type in the details and print them in color or black and white.
These were also a great addition to the posters and flyers we got with the box of materials that we filled out with a marker and hung around the school. 
I took a few of the posters and signs to make a little flyer to attach to the Title Highlight Flyers. 

It's been so much fun talking to our students about the books they see in the flyers as they take these home this week. They are very excited. 

As our Follett Book eFair continues over the next few weeks, I will give an update or two on my blog and social.  So follow along,