Sunday, September 8, 2024

BIG News From LUV For Libraries! Six Courses Are Now Available To Foster Collaboration and Connect Our Communities.


Friends, I am excited to share some BIG news from LUV for Libraries, the special project I have been working on with Level Up Village. LUV for Libraries revolutionizes K-5 education by empowering teacher librarians to connect and collaborate with peers nationwide on a safe and secure platform. 

We kicked off LUV for Libraries in the spring with the We Are Digital Explorers course based on my book, Sonia's Digital World. 

There are now SIX LUV for Libraries courses available and range from ages 4-11. Subscriptions run for 12 months and give you access to six project-based courses aimed at enhancing critical library, literacy, and technology skills while fostering collaboration, communication, and empathy.
With these courses, librarians can bring such amazing learning experiences to their students by being creative, collaborative, and connected within the library and to a partner school. 

Our students were so excited and engaged when we participated in the We Are Digital Explorers course last spring.  Our students not only focused on themselves as digital explorers and citizens, they learned from our "new friends and classmates" in the other school who we were partnered with. It opened up an opportunity for wonderful discussions and learning around such important topics tied to the use of technology and the ISTE Standards for Students.  

LUV for Libraries gives librarians great tools and opportunities to lead from the library in innovative, important and creative ways.  It also brings collaboration to your practice within the school, and globally. 

You can find out more at LUV for Libraries here.  I hope that you join us, friends. 

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