Friday, September 6, 2024

Join Us For The Webinar, Empowering Students With Digital Citizenship Skills: your Digital Toolbox!


Join Future Ready Schools’ Dr. Adam Phyall and Shannon McClintock Miller for a webinar focused on teaching digital citizenship to K-12 learners through Achievery’s online platform. 
Teaching digital citizenship is crucial in today’s technology-driven world! You don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical tools to help your students become responsible digital citizens.
We are thrilled to collaborate with trusted partners who specialize in designing content and curriculum to promote digital citizenship, including MediaSmarts, Cyber Civics, iKeep Safe, and Common Sense Education.
We will also share ideas and activities for celebrating Digital Citizenship Week 2024, which runs from October 18-22, 2024.
This webinar is for teachers, librarians, technology leaders, and principals who are passionate about equipping K-12 students with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the digital world responsibly and ethically.

You can register for our webinar today. Even if you can't attend live, register and we will send you the recording and materials after the webinar too. 

Hope to see you there, friends. 

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