Happy New Year, friends.
As we kick off the new year, I would love to invite all of you to join librarians from around the world to be part of the wonderful community we have in the Future Ready Librarians Facebook Group.
Not only have I made such special connections and friendships here, I gain and share ideas, best practices, and so many other things focused around the Future Ready Librarian framework.
We are kicking off something new on the Future Ready Librarians Facebook Group. Each week, we will be posting a prompt, question or challenge to help us grow as Future Ready Librarians throughout the year.
This will be a wonderful way for us to connect, share and grow as Future Ready Librarians within our own practice and within this community.
Today, in the Future Ready Librarians Facebook Group, I posted a poll. Please let us know what wedge(s) from the FRL Framework you would like to focus on and learn more about.
You can also add other ideas for weekly topics in the comments.
Thank you, friends. Please feel free to reach out to me in a DM or send me an email at shannonmcclintockmiller@gmail.com.
We can't wait for another amazing year together. 

You can join at bit.ly/FRLfacebook and please feel free to invite your library friends too.
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