Sunday, January 31, 2021
Our Black History Month Choice Board Is Here, Friends!
Picture Books For Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Conversations and Learning
And using picture books for teaching digital citizenship isn't just for your youngest learners. In fact, I have used several picture books with even my oldest students and you wouldn't believe the conversations that came about after introducing a topic through a picture book.
You will find the Picture Books for Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Conversations and Learning Padlet here.
Feel free to add more books to this Padlet by clicking on the hot pink circle with the plus sign in the right hand corner.
Have fun sharing these special picture books with your readers too, friends.
Check Out The New and Helpful Quarantine Feature Within Destiny!
4. In the Resource Management section,enter the number of days to quarantine returned items.
Now when books are In Quarantine, we can see that detail under Status. The report is generated when the material is returned from quarantine.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Celebrate World Read Aloud Day with Beloved and Bestselling Creator, Vashti Harrison, In This Weeks Flipgrid Virtual Field Trip
Vashti Harrison, is the New York Times bestselling author-illustrator of Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History and Little Dreamers: Visionary Women Around the World. She is an artist and filmmaker with a passion for storytelling. She earned her BA in studio art and media studies from the University of Virginia and her MFA in Film/Video from CalArts, where she snuck into animation and illustration classes to learn from Disney and DreamWorks legends. There, she rekindled a love for drawing and painting. Now she uses her love of both film and illustration to craft beautiful stories for children.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
5 ALA Youth Media Award Posters and Background! These Are Awesome To Print and Post, Friends.
You can find all 5 YMA posters and background here, where each can be downloaded to print and use to promote these YMA's and the award books.
Friends, Let's Share Pictures and Resources On How We Are Getting Books Into The Hands Of Our Kids!
Two Choice Boards For Presidents' Day On February 15th!

Join Me For The NEW Follett Webinar...Choice Boards, Collections and More!
Bringing content together has never been more important to students, teachers, librarians and families. As we do this, we look for and dream up creative and meaningful ways to bring the content together. With choice boards, Follett Collections by Destiny® and other amazing tools, we are able to bring resources together to inspire our learners to explore, research, learn, create and have fun.
In this webinar, participants will learn:
- The importance of curation and collaboration around resources and ideas, especially now with virtual, blended and face-to-face learning.
- How to use (and create!) choice boards, Collections by Destiny and other tools to bring resources together with students in face-to-face, virtual and blended learning.