Sunday, January 17, 2021's LiveCams, Lessons and Resources Will Take Your Students To Animals Around The World

Our kids love animals and there is nothing better than being able to see how animals behave, live, act, eat and interact with others. 

The website can bring these amazing animal experiences to all of us, at school and at home through animal livecams from around the world.

As shared on the site, is a multimedia organization that documents leaders around the world who have devoted their lives to extraordinary causes. Both education and inspirational, creates a portal into the soul of humanity by championing the selfless act of others.'s growing library consist of more than 250 original films and 30,000 photographs from around the world.  
At the top of the page, you can choose a variety of topics to explore such as...

Dog Bless You, 
Zen Cams and more. 
As an educator and librarian, the Education button found at the top of the page is where I love to visit as I look for ways to bring these experiences and resources to our students and school community. 
On the Education page, you will find several animal live cams.  Let me use the one for GRACE (Gorilla Rehabilitation and Conversation Education Center) to show you what each includes.  

When you click on the highlighted links they take you to different places and resources including...
...the page for the live webcam where the gorilla's can be view in different areas of GRACE. 
With each live cam on the Education page, has included a wonderful lesson plan and...
...worksheet to use as the livecam is viewed.  These can be downloaded and printed to use with your students at school or to send home. 
I love how when we go to the livecam pages, we can view a lot of additional information such as the location, weather, 
...and even more information about the place and program, such as GRACE Gorillas as shown here.
There are links to more information. The GRACE website can be found here.
On the page, viewers can ask questions and also read the Q & A section to learn more. 

There are several places on the Education page including...
I can't wait to continue to share these wonderful experiences with our students and teachers.  There will be more and more added that we will be able to explore too. 

You will find the Education page here, friends.  And the main page of livecams here.

I love following the Twitter, Instagram and Facebook too, where they share lots of little livecams every day.  

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