This week, we have been preparing to open our library for students to come for their library check out time each week. We all couldn't be more excited!
For the last two months, they have been checking out books through our BOOKHUB program and by using Destiny Discover to reserve books that are then delivered to them in their classrooms. They read the books in the classroom. When they are done, they put them in the class BOOKHUB box so our library associate, Diana, can pick them up to return back to the library for quarantine.
This has worked great but it isn't the same as having all of our students come to the library to check out books and be part of the special reading community we have created. They all love coming to the library.
To prepare for next week with all of the students coming at their normal morning check out times, we practiced with two classes, one of our 2nd grade and one of our 4th grade.
Our 2nd graders, wrote what books they wanted to look for on a sticky note...
...and brought it to the library.
Our 4th graders, brought their Chromebooks and logged into their Destiny Discover accounts to...

...look up books they saw on the shelf.
They didn't take them off of the shelf until they read about the book on Destiny to see if they wanted to check it out.
With our younger students, we helped them get the book off the shelf. We have shelf markers being made for them to use next week.
They were all very excited to have Mrs. Hockenberry check out the books they found...
...especially when we told them......they could take them home.
After we practiced with these two classes, I went home and thought about how I could make library check out time even better for our students and teachers, while keeping us safe.
I came up with the My Destiny Library Shopping List.
With the help of the My Destiny Library Shopping List poster (found here) I created in Buncee,
our students in 2nd through 6th grade, will go to Destiny Discover in their classrooms before they come for library check out. They will search for books and write down the title, call number and sublocation on their little shopping lists
Our littles (preschool, TK, kindergarten and first grade) will also come to library, but will use their eyes to look for the books they want to check out. We will have a lot spread out on the tables, above the shelves and of course, on the shelves.
You will find the Buncee for the Library Check Out Time posters here. Just make a copy and you can make changes to use with your students and teachers too.
I am really excited about the little My Destiny Library Shopping Lists I created in Buncee.
I created one that says, My Library Books Shopping List too. You will find this Buncee for both here.In the printing setting, I set it to Print Entire Image 9 times. I then clicked on the PDF button in the bottom left hand corner and saved it as a PDF...
...on my MacBook to print. It was super easy to print these and cut into lots of My Destiny Library Shopping Lists for our kids to use next week. We couldn't be more excited to welcome our students and teachers back into the library to connect to books they love. I know that procedures will change along the way, but we are in this together.
And together, we will make it work for our readers.
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