Friday, September 21, 2018

Something New.....Pop-In Storytime With Your Librarians!

Today, we kicked off a special new tradition from our library at Van Meter School!  

As I headed down the hallway to a 5th and 2nd grade classroom with Otis and the Scarecrow in my hand, we couldn't be more excited for....
...Pop-In Storytime!  

My teacher librarian partner, Jessica, and I have thought of a special way to spend more time sharing books with all of our K-12 students and teachers at Van Meter this year!

Since there will be times in between when we have them in the library, we decided to create POP-IN STORYTIME where we will visit the classrooms to share special stories throughout the year.  

This will give us extra time to share wonderful reading experiences with the students and teachers, and also valuable time in their classrooms too.
We had two classrooms that kicked it off....Megan Algreen's 5th graders and...
 ...Tracy Ferguson's 2nd graders.
I loved it just as much of the kids and it was so much fun sharing one of my favorite fall books.
We sent out the Pop-In Storytime Google Doc with all of the teachers as they signed up for a special time too.  

We can't wait to see what POP-IN STORYTIME brings our students, teachers, library and community this year.  Stay tune for lots of updates!  

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