Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Third Step In Our Weeding & Inventory Process: Run A TitleWise Collection Analysis! Follow Along As We Weed Our Library and Share Your Tips, Tricks & Resources For Weeding Too!


We are all getting ready for a new school year with our students.  This means new programs, lessons, projects, and of course NEW BOOKS! 

As I shared throughout the summer, we have been working on our collection. We weeded, took inventory, and looked at our collection through analysis and feedback from students and teachers.  I have been sharing this process through a special blog series. 

You will find the first post of this series, The First Steps In Weeding Your Library! Follow Along As We Weed Our Library and Share Your Tips, Tricks & Resources For Weeding Too, here

And the second post of this series, The Next Step In Weeding: Conduct An Inventory! Follow Along As We Weed Our Library and Share Your Tips, Tricks & Resources For Weeding Too, you will find here.
The third step is to run a TitleWise collection analysis.  TitleWise is Follett's collection analysis tool. You will find this in here

TitleWise provides us with so many important and valuable details as we review, learn and take action on the information we find out about our collection. And of course, as we work on the collection development of our library and as we add new books. 

Take a look at what TitleWise brings us! 
As shared above, that is one thing I love about Titlewise! I love how it gives us a bird's-eye view of our entire library to explore important relationships and trends too. 

Let me show you how to take your inventory report and run a Titlewise Collection Analysis too. 

To get started, you upload your inventory into Titlewise by clicking on the Titlewise Collection Analysis button at the bottom of the Titlewise page
When TitleWise Collection Analysis opens, you just Submit Your Collection
Your collection is then analyzed and you will be provided detailed reports to use as you determine what areas need to be improved, and help you find new titles that meet your needs.  I love how it also helps me identify books that we don't already have in our collection. 
The example given on the TitleWise page shows a great example of a collection analysis.
One of my favorite parts is at the bottom of the page, where it shows the Diversity, Social and Emotional Learning, and Reading Levels of your collection. 
You can click on any of those topics, take a look at ones in your collection, and even get suggestions within of book you might wish to add to your library. 
As I work through our collection analysis from TitleWise, I am working on building my first list in Titlewave too.  It's so helpful to be able to work on adding new books as I analysis the needs of our collection and take a closer look at the needs of our library, students, and teachers. 

I hope this was helpful as you weeding, take inventory, and analysis your collection, friends. 
Let's continue to use this Padlet to share our weeding tips, tricks and procedures we have for our libraries.  We can share advice, resources, tools, etc.. 

I can't wait to hear all of the amazing things you bring to your library collections too.

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