Monday, August 12, 2024

Creating Book and Reading Celebration Stickers For Our Books In The New Book Vending Machine!


This fall we are opening up our new book vending machine at Van Meter.  
Our VMEPC family group purchased our book vending machine from Bookworm Vending Machine this last spring.  It has found the perfect place in the hallway outside of the office. 

As our principal kicks off having students visit our vending machine for their birthdays throughout the year, he thought it would be nice to have a special stickers inside of each book.  
I created the sticker in Canva.  You will find the link here. Please feel free to make a copy, switch it up, and use it too. 

We will put the stickers in the front cover of each book next week.  After that, they will be loaded into the book vending machine and wait for our students. I can't wait to reveal this special project to our kids. I know they will love getting a book on their special day. 

And I love how the sticker will let them know how much we all love our Van Meter Readers too. 

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