One of the best parts of being a teacher librarian is the reader's advisory I do with our readers at Van Meter. I work with readers who are in preschool to 12th grade within our school, so I have lots of opportunities to do this every single day.
Reader's advisory involves recommending and matching up books through direct or indirect means, so I
For the upcoming school year, I wanted to kick off a few new things around the reader's advisory I will do within our school community. Since reader's advisory involves recommending and matching up books through direct or indirect means, I came up with some fun and meaningful ways to make this happen.

The first idea I would like to share are the Special Book Recommendation From Mrs. Miller sticky notes I made to place on books that I share with our students and teachers. I was so excited to receive these in the mail. I just love how they turned out!
Here is how I created them in case you want to make some too.
I looked around and found that I could order Custom Post-It® Notes on Vistaprint
here. Just click on
Start Designing......and it will take you to the page where you can upload your own design or pick a design they have created.
I created two different designs for my Post-It® Notes. One with just
Special Book Recommendation From Mrs. Miller and...
...one with a place for me to write a little message in the white space at the bottom of the note.
You can use a Bitmoji, a photograph of yourself or even a drawn portrait you do or ask a student for help. I used a little graphic my friends at Pear Deck created of me a few years ago. It was perfect for this project. I also love the book I found to put into my hand.
If you work with a library or classroom partner, you could use a Friendmoji too!

When I opened my box from Vistaprint I was so happy on how cute the Post-It® Notes turned out.
In fact, I used them with a little reader's advisory I am doing this summer with a few of our readers.
My hope is that this new way to do reader's advisory will get the kids and teachers excited to get a Mrs. Miller Post-It® Note on a special book recommendation and will get our readers reading even more.
I am also working on a little framed poster for every teacher to put in their classroom for displaying books I recommend too. I will share this in an upcoming post soon.
I can't wait to kick this off on the first day of school. And guess what? Today, I even used the notes to leave a little stack of book recommendations for a few of my Van Meter students.
That sure made my day.
I hope this idea helps your reader's advisory efforts and work too.
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