Friday, February 28, 2025

It's Time For Our March Choice Boards, Friends! You Will Find Everything You Need Here In This Post!


March is here and  I have put together Our March Choice Boards to share with all of you.  

March has a few special celebrations and events. I shared those in the March Choice Board too. 

Let's start with Our March Choice Board.  You will find it here to share with students.  If you want to make changes, you can make a copy here

Within the March Choice Board, there are several other choice boards.  I am going to include these in the list below. I hope this is helpful if you are wanting to change some things around or make additions. 
Let's start with the Learn about and celebrate special events in March column. 
Let's Celebrate National Crayon Day post here.
Let's Celebrate Women's History Month post here.
Let's Celebrate St. Patrick's Day post here
Celebrate March Madness with the Capstone eBook Madness here for your readers, and you can read about it and find the template here.
Take A Virtual Field Trip Around the World post here

And just as a reminder, remember to share it with your students by Publishing it to the web and sharing that link.  It will just show the slide when you share it that way. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or need help.  I am always happy to share and help you in any way. 

Creating Monthly Novel Effect Posters In Canva For Our Special Read Aloud Library! Find The Template For Our March Poster Here, Friends!


I love the calendars that our friends at Novel Effect put together for us each month. 
To celebrate March, they have created two amazing calendars filled with books with special Novel Effect soundscapes. 

Find out all about Novel Effect here too. 

Capstone eBook Madness Is A Fun Way To Use eBooks During March Madness! Find The Templates & Directions Here, Friends.


As we get ready for March Madness events in our library, I created one with a different twist this year. 

It's called our Capstone eBook Madness!  

I used 16 special Capstone Interactive eBooks that I have in our PebbleGo Suite.  I picked out pairs that were the same author, series, and topic to add to the Capstone eBook Madness bracket. 
I created the Capstone eBook Madness bracket in Canva.  You will find it here to make a copy. 
I then brought it into a Google Slide presentation so I could add the eBook covers and hyperlink them.

Since our Capstone eBook Madness will run for 5 weeks, just like the basketball tournament, 
I made five different slides, one for each week.  They are labeled by week to make it easy for our readers and teachers. 
Once you pick out your book covers and get them into your bracket, go to and copy the link to the eBook as shown in the image above. 
You will then go to the book cover in the bracket in the choice board and add the link. 
I made you a copy of the Google Slide presentation too. You will find it here.

Since I have a few weeks before we start, I am going to talk to my teachers and see how they want to do the voting each week.  We could use a Google Form, even a little slip of paper, or tally marks. I will let you know what we do. 

Have fun celebrating Book or eBook Madnesss with your readers, friends. 
You will find the eBooks I used, and so many more amazing books here at

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The March Activity Journal From Book Creator Is Here and Ready To Remix For Your Kids Too!


One of my favorite monthly activities to share with our teachers and students are the monthly activity book journals from Book Creator.  These special books are filled with amazing activities for each day of the month. 
The March Activity Book Journal is packed with fun literacy activities to spark your creativity and boost your writing skills for Be An Author Month! 

And one of my favorite days is on March 3, we will celebrate Read Across America!  How fun is that.

You can find the March Activity Book Journal here, where you can remix and share with your students too.

Get Book Creator here today, friends. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Join Us At The NCCE Conference This Week For The Librarians Summit. Register Here, Friends.


On Wednesday, I will be at the NCCE Conference in Seattle, Washington.  I am excited to be heading back to NCCE for this special week with so many amazing librarians and educators. 
I will be one of the leaders of the Librarians Summit: Superpowered Libraries: Maximizing Impact With Limited Resources.  

It's going to be a great day loaded with so many engaging, collaborative and exciting learning opportunities for all of us. 

You can learn more and register for our event here, friends.

Sonia and Her Friends Are Back In My New Early Chapter Book Series! They Come Out This Summer With Capstone and ISTE.


I have an exciting announcement, friends. 

My new early chapter book series, ISTE Digital Explorers, with Capstone and ISTE, comes out this summer.  
In fact, it features Sonia, her friends, and family, from my picture book, Sonia's Digital World. 

The first one in this new series, Sonia Speaks Up, can be found here on NetGalley. 

As shared online, 

Sonia and her class finally get to use the digital platform for artwork! Sonia is proud of her lion painting, and she can't wait to share it. But after seeing rude comments on the other paintings, she decides not to post it after all. The next day at school, Mr. Thompson reminds the class what it means to be a good digital citizen, perfectly showing this ISTE standard in a relatable classroom situation. Created in partnership with ISTE, this early chapter book offers an engaging introduction to important concepts in technology education.

We will be sharing more the other books in this series soon.  I can't wait until you see them all, friends.  
And if you will be at the ISTE LIVE 25 Conference this summer, Sonia and I will be too. 

The March 2025 Demco Activity Calendars For Early Literacy Activities and Children's Activities Are Here, Friends.


The March 2025 Demco Activity Calendars are here! 

I love finding these special calendars each month on the Demco site. I love printing them off to share with our teachers and families, and I love sharing them online too. 
You will find the Early Literacy Activity for March 2025 here.
And the Children's Activity Calendar for March 2025 here.

Both of these calendars are filled with ideas and activities for you to engage with your students and children all month long.
You can also find all of the Activity Calendars here at the Demco Ideas and Inspiration site. 

Have a fun March, friends. 

I Am Excited To Share That I Have Joined The Amazing Book Creator Team!


I am so happy to share that I have joined the Book Creator team.  

And to make it even better, I am joining with three other new team members Farmer Faubs, Christina Mahar, and Katie Fielding. I am thrilled to work with them, and everyone else at Book Creator too. 

You can read all about this special news here on the Book Creator blog. 

As shared in the post, I will be Book Creator's voice of Teacher Librarians and advise on how Book Creator can continue to be a tool that advocates and nurtures "future ready skills".

I couldn't be more excited to be part of this amazing team and for the work that we will do together. 

A Fun and Interactive Place To Share Our New Capstone Books and eBooks! You Can Use This Template For Your New Books Too, Friends.

I love finding fun and new ways to share the new books we have in our library and online.  

This week, I took all of our NEW Capstone books from the Spring 2025 collection that we just added to our library in print and digital...
... and created this interactive choice board. I will display this by the new Capstone books on the shelves and share the link with our teachers and students. 
To create this interactive choice board, I went to Capstone Interactive and search all of the new books by title. 
When the book popped up, I clicked on Open and...
...copied the link in the upper right hand corner. 
Then I went to the choice board, and hyperlinked that link to the book cover of Hugs-A-Lotl Can't Show The Love. 

I did that for each book. 
When all of the links were added to the book covers, I went to File and down to Share and Publish to the Web. 
This is the link that you will share with students and teachers so they read and listen to these new Capstone eBooks. 
Here is a template of this choice board that you can make a copy of to add your own books and links to the Capstone Interactive eBooks. 

I love sharing eBooks with our school community in this way. It is a great way to get even more books into the the hands of our readers at school, home, and on the go. I hope you find it helpful too, friends.

And don't forget you can find all of these books and more at or on Follett Titlewave®.

Make The Book Madness 2025 Choice Board and Posters A Slam Dunk For Your Students Too!


It's almost time for March Madness and time to kick off our BOOK MADNESS 2025! 

For this list, I pulled from books in the Titlewave® List, Best Books of the Year.  

These can be seen in the choice board here, which is the poster above.

In the choice board, just click on the book cover to find the book in Titlewave® and at the bottom of the choice board you will find the full list too. 

Let me tell you how I start planning for Book Madness. 

As I started planning for the 2025 Book Madness, I went to the NCAA March Madness site to...
...find the schedule, which was very helpful in laying out our event.  
I also found and printed a few of the official brackets to show the kids.  They will think this is super cool and may even want a copy as they watch the games at home too. 

You will find the NCAA Basketball Championship bracket here
For my brackets, I went to Canva and created several different bracket templates. You will find the Canva file here where you can make a copy and change them up for your use too. 
I used this one pictured in Canva, made a copy and brought it over to a Google Slide so I could add the book covers to my You've Been Virtually Book'd BOOK MADNESS 2025 list. 
You will find a blank template in this Google Slide too. Feel free to make a copy.

I picked ones that I heard the kids talk about and ones that they loved throughout the year. I just took a screen shot of the covers and added them to the slides.  
You can make this into a choice board by linking each book cover image to book trailers, information from an authors website, an article or interview, and even a eBook within our Destiny Discover.  
It can also be downloaded and printed as a colored or... and white poster for teachers to hang up and mark as they vote on their favorite books through the March Book Madness. 

You can switch up these brackets with any books that fit the need of your readers. They can be picture books, nonfiction, chapter books, YA books and more.  

Happy March Book Madness, friends.  I hope it's a slam dunk for you and your students too.