Saturday, February 1, 2025

A New Follett Titlewave Tip! Watch How The Colored Ribbons Can Help In Your Collection Development Needs.


Today, I am working on my February Titlewave® List, and thought I would share a new little Titlewave Tip with all of you. 

In this one, watch how the colored ribbons in Follett Content Titlewave can help so much in your collection development needs. 

You can watch it here, friends.

2 Great Calendars For Our February Novel Effect Read-Alouds!


There are two great calendars for our February Novel Effect read-alouds!  

You will find these....
...two here
On the calendar page, make sure you check out the amazing Novel Effect activity packs too. 

To find out all about Novel Effect, you can go here.

It's Time For Our February Choice Board! You Will Find TWO Versions This Month & the Links For Both Here, Friends.


February is here and it's time for a new month filled with learning, exploring, creating, collaboration and fun. 

There are many things happening in February so Our February Choice Board is filled with lots of places to connect our learners to these events and information.  

This month, I made two versions of the February Choice Board to share.  
Version #1 includes the Let's Learn About Presidents' Day Choice Boards created with PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next. 

You can share this link with your students for Version #1 and if you want to make changes you will find it here to edit too
If you don't have PebbleGo and don't want to make any changes, you can use Version #2 which includes links to the Groundhog Day Choice Board and National Geographic Kids to learn more about the Presidents.  

You can share this link with your students for Version #2 and if you want to make changes you will find it here to edit

Let me walk you through this months choice boards. 
In the first column, I included choice boards for Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day and Presidents' Day.  
You will find the Happy Valentine's Day Choice Board here. This is where you can make changes if you'd like. 
I included two choice boards for Presidents' Day on Version #1.  The first is for grades TK-3rd here and...
On Version #2, I included the Groundhog Day Choice Board.  You will find everything you need for this one here
I also included a place for the Let's Take A Trip Around The World Buncee Choice Board, 
which you can find here too
And just as a reminder, remember to share it with your students by Publishing it to the web and sharing that link.  It will just show the slide when you share it that way. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or need help.  I am always happy to share and help you in any way. 

Have fun getting ready for February, friends. 

Bringing Hearts To Life For Valentine's Day Using MergeEDU and Merge Cubes!


I love working with our youngest learners. Throughout the year, I go to our four preschool classes for library and technology lessons. 

For one of my visits last year, I asked the teachers what they were learning. The teachers told me they were celebrating Valentine's Day and using a lot of hearts in activities. 

I did a little brainstorming and remembered that in MergeEDU...
...there is a Science Simulation called Mr. Body where you can view his heart. 

This was the perfect activity for Valentine's Day. Not only would the preschoolers see what a heart looks like, they would be learning a new technology resource with Merge. 
I gathered up my iPads from the library and Merge Cubes. 

I started out by talking to them about augmented reality and technology. I then showed them how the app works with the Merge Cubes. 

They were ready to go! 
We paired them up and gave them an iPad and Merge Cube,  For this first time, I had the app opened to Mr. Body so they could start using it right away. 
They were amazed when they saw what a human heart actually looks like.  We had all kinds of conversations and comments. 
And one of the best questions, Is Mr. Body in here? Mr Body?  

I love what MergeEDU brings to our students and how it enriches their learning.  We love the little sparks it brings to all kinds of topics and content.  

You can sign up for a free trial of MergeEDU here to try out with your students too. I know they will love learning about hearts for Valentine's Day with Mr. Body too. 
You can learn more about the Merge Cubes here.
And if you don't have Merge Cubes yet, you can print this one off and make your own for this activity.

Have a Happy Valentine's Day, friends. 

Here Is A Special PebbleGo Valentine's Day Party Idea For You, Friends!


It's time for Valentine's Day  and we are getting ready to celebrate this holiday with our students and community.  

When my own kids were younger, I remember always looking for fun, yet educational ideas, to plan for their classroom Valentine's Day parties.  

We also love doing special library themed Valentine's Day activities when our students come to the library before school and throughout the day.  

I have a PebbleGo Valentine's Day party idea to share with you! 
Our friends at Capstone have a PebbleGo Bingo Card available on the...
...Lesson Planning Support, which is full of ideas, projects and lots of sheets to use.

You can find the PebbleGo Bingo Card to download here.  I printed them in color on card stock and laminated them so we can use them over and over for all classes and year to year.
Using candy conversation hearts, the PebbleGo Bingo Cards, and....
...PebbleGo, students will be able to have lots of fun playing Bingo together, while reading, learning and using their research skills in all of the PebbleGo databases. 

You could even throw in a few extra questions around the Valentine's Day article in PebbleGo found... Social Studies and...
...within Holidays.  
They will love learning a little more about the history, symbols and celebrations around Valentine's Day and lots of other interesting and engaging topics too. 

Have  a wonderful day, friends. 

The NEW February 2025 PebbleGo & PebbleGo Monthly Holiday Calendar Is Here! Turn It Into An Interactive Research Choice Board For Your Students & Teachers!


The NEW February 2025 PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next Monthly Holiday Calendar is here!  I love these calendars that our friends at Capstone share each month.

In this post, I share more about the PebbleGo Monthly Calendars. 
I love making paper copies of these to share with our teachers and kids. 
They hang them up in their classrooms and hang them in our library too. I also share them online through social media and as an image in Google Classroom or Seesaw. 
The teachers even use the PebbleGo Calendars for mini research opportunities throughout each week. The students use PebbleGo Create to share what they learn throughout the month with the calendars. 
Last year, when I was sharing the calendars with teachers and students, I thought....Hey, this would be really fun in a choice board! 
So, I opened up a Google Slide, uploaded the PebbleGo February 2025 Holidays Calendar, and added a little chalk board with text over the top.  
Then I went through the calendar and found every special day in PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next.  
For example, Take Your Child To The Library Day is today on February 1, so they have the Librarians PebbleGo article featured. I went to PebbleGo and found the article in PebbleGo.

One thing I LOVE about this years PebbleGo Calendars is that we include Capstone Interactive eBooks too! 
And guess what?  This month is Digital Learning Day and my book, Sonia's Digital World is featured on this special day.  You can find Sonia here on the Capstone site.
 I grabbed the link, as shown in the image above. 
I took that link and added a linked text box around each special date. 

Now, when the kids click on a holiday, it will take them directly to that PebbleGo article.  

If you want to use the template to create your own, you will find the Google Slide here to make a copy and add links to the PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next articles. 

And to make it a choice board, just Publish to the web, as shown in this image above. 
You will share that Published Link with your students.  

I love sharing these interactive PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next Holiday Calendars with our students and teachers. They love learning all about these special days that are highlighted each month too.

I am excited to have the February 2025 PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next ready to go for the month. I hope you will find ways to use it with your students and teachers this month, and all throughout the school year too.