Thursday, December 30, 2021

Join "The Pen Pal Project" Today, Friends!

I loved having pen pals when I was young. It was such a special way to make friends, while learning about other places, families and interests.  I kept in touch with one of mine until I was in high school. 

 Today, I was so excited to see the U.S. Postal Service and WeAreTeachers announce The USPS Pen Pal Project, a new, free educational program for grades 2-6 students. 
As shared on the site, Twenty-five thousand U.S. elementary classes will each be matched with a partner class across the country with the goal of building friendships and understanding diverse perspectives.  By participating in the program, students will improve their writing, communication and collaboration skills.  
After you sign up, you will receive The USPS Pen Pal Project kit that contains the content listed above. 
The site also stated that teachers who sign up after December 12th, will receive the kit in February. 

You can sign up for this special project here too, friends. 

BIG News.... 56 NEW PebbleGo Articles Have Been Released!

Our students and teachers will love hearing that 56 new articles in English and Spanish were added to the different PebbleGo modules over winter break.  
It's fun to see them spot them in PebbleGo and here is a little glimpse for all of you too...


  • Aida de Acosta
  • Althea Gibson
  • Angela James
  • Autumn Peltier
  • Bethany Yellowtail
  • Constance Baker Motley
  • Dan Crenshaw
  • Domingo Liotta
  • Dorothy Vaughan
  • Douglas Emhoff
  • Fabiola Cabeza de Baca
  • Fannie Lou Hamer
  • Farouk el-Baz
  • Genesis Butler
  • Gordon Parks
  • Greta Thunberg
  • H.E.R.
  • Jason Reynolds
  • Kara Walker
  • Karlie Kloss
  • Katie Bouman
  • Kawhi Leonard
  • Kelvin Doe
  • Mahalia Jackson
  • Mallory Pugh
  • Marley Dias
  • Michaela DePrince
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Nikki Grimes
  • Nikki Shannon Smith
  • Oscar De La Hoya
  • Reyna Grande
  • Richard Cavazos
  • Saadia Faruqi
  • Stacey Abrams
  • Tyler Perry
  • V.T. Bidania
  • Wangari Maathai


  • What Are Simple Machines?

Social Studies/Estudios Sociales

  • #1000blackgirlbooks
  • Global Climate Strike
  • Malala Fund
  • Striking and Picketing
  • The Roman Colosseum
  • What Are Beliefs?
  • What Are Family Traditions?
  • What Are Human Rights?
  • What Is a Boycott?
  • What Is a Disability?
  • What Is a Petition?
  • What Is Ability Diversity?
  • What Is Cultural Diversity?
  • What Is Culture?
  • What Is Diversity?
  • What Is Economic Diversity?
  • What Is Justice?

You can read about the December PebbleGo release on the Capstone site here

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A NEW Way To Share Our Digital BreakoutEDU Games Each Month....You Can Use This Template For Your January 2022 Digital Breakouts Too!


Our kids love doing digital BreakoutEDU games!  They enjoy all of the different subject focused, seasonal and fun games that get them thinking, collaborating and engaging with classmates in their classrooms and with those at home learning virtually. 

While talking with one of our teachers last year, we thought it would be fun to put a few of the digital BreakoutEDU games together each month that our students could play anytime, at school or at home.  

I instantly thought to myself, This would be a great use of a choice board! 

I just create a template each month that would hold 9 of the digital BreakoutEDU games. I make sure to include all of the different grade levels. 
I take a screen shot of the digital Breakout game, add it to the template and add the grade level in a box over the top. 
To share the choice board, I clicked on Publish to the web under Share.  That created a link that I shared with our teachers to add to their Google Classrooms or Seesaw and I add it to each grade level Symbaloo.

I also downloaded each game key and sent those to the teachers with that email so they will have easy access to be able to help the students with each months BreakoutEDU games in the choice board. 

You will find the January Digital BreakoutEDU to make a copy and add your own links here.

I can't wait to see what the kids think of our new Monthly BreakoutEDU Choice Board. I know they will be excited to see the NEW ones each month too!

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Look What We Did In 2021, Future Ready Librarians! A Special Thanks and Collection For YOU!


As we come to the end of 2021, I have been reflecting on so many things that have happened throughout the year.  It's been a year filled with change, uncertainty and lots of sleepless nights, but also one filled with hope, innovation, togetherness and progression that will change the world of education and libraries forever.  

One of the things I am most proud of is all of the work we did together as Future Ready Librarians.  It's amazing to think back over the last twelve months and see how we supported one another, collaborated across the miles, shared endless ideas and resources, and became one special force that lead schools and communities across the nation.  

There are so many things to be proud of as Future Ready Librarians, friends. 

I want to thank each and every one of you for all that you do within your libraries, schools and communities face-to-face and virtually.  Thank you for contributing your expertise, passion and knowledge to all of us and for making everyone better.  

And thank you for all the friendships that were made.  You all helped and inspired me.  I am thankful to be part of such a special community.  

You will find the Look What We Did In 2021, Future Ready Librarians! Collection by Destiny here.  It is filled with the work we did together and lots of resources that will continue to guide us as we take our libraries, schools, teachers and students into the new year. 

I can't wait for what 2022 holds for all of us.  We have several things planned that I can't wait to share with all of you. 

Have a beautiful holiday season, friends. I will see you all soon, Shannon

It's Day 25 of the 25 Days of Digital Tools and Apps For Future Ready Librarians! Check Out The "Look What We Did In 2021, Future Ready Librarians® Collection by Destiny"!

Its December 25 and Day 25 of our very special 25 Days of Digital Tools and Apps from Future Ready Librarians®. 

As I shared here, for the first 25 days in December, I will be sharing digital tools, along with ideas and resources to go with each, all shared by wonderful Future Ready Librarians from around the country. 
Today, I am excited to share the Look What We Did In 2021 Future Ready Librarians Collection by Destiny. I  Just click on Card 25. 
As we add more and more days and slides, just click on the red house in the right hand corner of every slide.  That will take you back to...
...this front page where you can easily click on any of the days as they are being added throughout the month.  And it will be a great way to follow lots of amazing Future Ready Librarians too! 

I hope you join us for this 25 days of learning and fun, friends.  You will find the link for The 25 Days of Digital Tools and Ideas from Future Ready Librarians here.  

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Day 23 of the 25 Days of Digital Tools and Apps from Future Ready Librarians® is Here, Friends...and Today, Learn About Biblionasium!


Its December 23 and Day 23 of our very special 25 Days of Digital Tools and Apps from Future Ready Librarians®. 

As I shared here, for the first 25 days in December, I will be sharing digital tools, along with ideas and resources to go with each, all shared by wonderful Future Ready Librarians from around the country. 

Today, I will be sharing one of my favorite digital tools, Biblionasium.  Just click on Card 23.
As we add more and more days and slides, just click on the red house in the right hand corner of every slide.  That will take you back to...
...this front page where you can easily click on any of the days as they are being added throughout the month.  And it will be a great way to follow lots of amazing Future Ready Librarians too! 

I hope you join us for this 25 days of learning and fun, friends.  You will find the link for The 25 Days of Digital Tools and Ideas from Future Ready Librarians here.  

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

You've Been Virtually Book'd For January! Our Monthly eBook Program Using Capstone Connect For All Readers!


One of our favorite reading celebrations at Van Meter School are the...
...You've Been Book'd bags and lists that we have shared throughout the year. 

Our students and teachers love hanging the You've Been Book'd posters in their windows, reading the books, checking the boxes and trading them with other classrooms.  

It is so much fun.  You can read all about our You've Been Book'd program here and you will find the first one for this year and back-to-school here in this post.
Here is our You've Been Book'd for December and January. 

Last year, as we were learning together virtually, I thought it would be fun and special to take our You've Been Book'd program online and use all of the wonderful eBooks in our Capstone Interactive to make this happen. 
And now, I am getting ready to kick off another year of our You've Been Virtually Book'd program using Capstone Connect, an amazing new platform from our friends at Capstone that connects PebbleGo, PebbleGo Next, Capstone Interactive eBooks and teachers resources in one place with links to use that connect to each resource.
Let me show you how I put the You've Been Virtually Book'd For January choice board together today.
First, I logged into our Capstone Connect
I searched for school eBooks using the Title Search in Capstone Connect. 
When I searched school, it gave me the results eBooks, PebbleGo articles and teacher resources.
For the choice board I created, I needed the book cover and link to the eBook.  

To view the eBook, I clicked on All About Animals In Winter and the eBook...
...opened up in Capstone Interactive.  This let me view the eBook and also grab the cover image. 
I then clicked on Copy Link and took it to the choice board. 
I then went back to the You've Been Virtually Book'd For December choice board I created in Google Slides.  I added the screen shot of the book cover, clicked on the image, and added the link I copied to the image. 

When our students and teachers click on the book covers, it will take them straight to the ebooks within Capstone Interactive.  

We don't even have to login because by using Capstone Connect it takes us directly to the eBooks and PebbleGo resources every time.  

We love our You've Been Book'd program and can't wait to celebrate reading in one more way with our students as we share our You've Been Virtually Book'd program every month! 
I made this template for you to create your own You've Been Virtually Book'd For January.  If you have Capstone Interactive eBooks, you can find the link and add them to the book covers I have included above or take this template and fill in your own eBooks and choices for January. 
You will find the January You've Been Virtually Book'd template without eBook covers here.

Also, if you are interested in finding the eBooks and books I added to this list, you will find them in this Capstone Book List here  

Day 22 of the 25 Days of Digital Tools and Apps from Future Ready Librarians® is Here, Friends...and Today, Learn About The Future Ready Librarian Podcast Series, Leading From The Library!


Its December 22 and Day 22 of our very special 25 Days of Digital Tools and Apps from Future Ready Librarians®. 

As I shared here, for the first 25 days in December, I will be sharing digital tools, along with ideas and resources to go with each, all shared by wonderful Future Ready Librarians from around the country. 
Today, I will be sharing the Future Ready Librarian Podcast Series, Leading from the Library.  Just click on Card 22.
We just finished the third season of the Leading From The Library Podcast series. I can't wait to use the holiday season to listen to the episodes again. 
You will find Leading from the Library here on the All4Ed page. 
As we add more and more days and slides, just click on the red house in the right hand corner of every slide.  That will take you back to...
...this front page where you can easily click on any of the days as they are being added throughout the month.  And it will be a great way to follow lots of amazing Future Ready Librarians too! 

I hope you join us for this 25 days of learning and fun, friends.  You will find the link for The 25 Days of Digital Tools and Ideas from Future Ready Librarians here.  

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Day 21 of the 25 Days of Digital Tools and Apps from Future Ready Librarians® is Here, Friends...and Today, Learn About The 2021 Best Books Collection by Destiny!


Its December 21 and Day 21 of our very special 25 Days of Digital Tools and Apps from Future Ready Librarians®. 

As I shared here, for the first 25 days in December, I will be sharing digital tools, along with ideas and resources to go with each, all shared by wonderful Future Ready Librarians from around the country. 
Today, I will be sharing the 2021 Best Books Collection by Follett Destiny.  Just click on Card 21.
In this Collection by Destiny that you will also find here, I have been gathering all of the 2021 Best Books lists and will continue to add to it too.  If you have any that aren't already in this list, please let me know and I can add those too. 
You can read more about Collections by Destiny here.
As we add more and more days and slides, just click on the red house in the right hand corner of every slide.  That will take you back to...
...this front page where you can easily click on any of the days as they are being added throughout the month.  And it will be a great way to follow lots of amazing Future Ready Librarians too! 

I hope you join us for this 25 days of learning and fun, friends.  You will find the link for The 25 Days of Digital Tools and Ideas from Future Ready Librarians here.  

Monday, December 20, 2021

Join Us For The Upcoming Follett Webinar On January 12, 2022....Digital Tools and Apps, Essential Tools for Curriculum-Focused Teacher Librarians!


I am excited to share that we will be kicking off the year with a brand new Follett webinar! 

On January 12, 2022 at 4:00pm CST, join us for Digital Tools and Apps....Essential Tools for Curriculum-Focused Teacher Librarians. 

As shared online...

As teacher librarians, finding the right digital tools and apps to use within the library and classroom is one of the keys to our success as we work with students and teachers. As we discover and test digital tools and apps that support the curriculum and empower our students as creators, we illustrate in unique and engaging ways our expertise, and so much more – including our awareness of what students have learned and are passionate about. 


In this webinar, join technology-centered Future Ready Librarian® Shannon McClintock Miller as she shares her box of essential tools for curriculum-focused teacher librarians. Shannon will share details about each tool and app, diving into examples she has used with her preschool to Grade 12 students. You will leave with a new toolbox of digital resources and apps, and you’ll feel inspired to use them as you support your teachers and students. 

In this webinar, you will:

  • Learn how I support the library and technology program within her school through the ISTE and Computer Science Standards.

  • Learn about several essential digital tools for apps and curriculum-focused teacher librarians within the categories of reading and learning, creation, collaboration, connecting experiences, and more.

  • Hear how I uses this toolbox of digital tools and apps with her preschool to Grade 12 students.

  • Be able to use and share the digital tools and apps with your school community using Collections by Destiny®, which I will discuss at the end of the webinar. 
You can register here. A recording and the resources will be send out afterwards too. 

I hope you can join us.  It will be a lot of fun to share lots of tools and ideas with all of you. 

Day 20 of the 25 Days of Digital Tools and Apps from Future Ready Librarians® is Here, Friends...and Today, Learn About Scratch and Scratch Pals!

Its December 20 and Day 20 of our very special 25 Days of Digital Tools and Apps from Future Ready Librarians®. 

As I shared here, for the first 25 days in December, I will be sharing digital tools, along with ideas and resources to go with each, all shared by wonderful Future Ready Librarians from around the country. 
Today, Cindy Hundley will be sharing Scratch and ScratchPals.

Just click on Card 20.
On our interactive choice board, Cindy shares about Scratch and ScratchPals including a description; uses as a Future Ready Librarian, and ideas for using it with students. She has included pictures, videos and lots of helpful resources . 
In the upper right hand corner of the slide, there is a short 3 minute video of Cindy sharing during our webinar last month.  

To open the video full screen, just double click on it. This time with our special guest will bring everything together and leave you with lots of ideas to use the digital tool within your school and library too. 
You will find the video here too. 

As we add more and more days and slides, just click on the red house in the right hand corner of every slide.  That will take you back to...
...this front page where you can easily click on any of the days as they are being added throughout the month.  And it will be a great way to follow lots of amazing Future Ready Librarians too! 

I hope you join us for this 25 days of learning and fun, friends.  You will find the link for The 25 Days of Digital Tools and Ideas from Future Ready Librarians here.