Friends, I am so excited to announce the 2nd Annual Virtual Summer Camp Adventure that I will be hosting with my friends at Capstone and Buncee.
Virtual Summer Camp Adventure is a twelve-week virtual camp with six bi-weekly themes around Tales and Tails, the national summer reading campaign.
We will celebrate fairy tales, zoo animals, pets, graphic novels, sports tales and others that all readers will love.
Each camp theme will have a special choice board filled with reading, learning, making, outside adventures, exercise, cooking and more.
And each choice board will include 20 FREE Capstone Interactive eBooks per theme. That is 120 FREE eBooks for summer reading.
Buncee has also created new stickers, animations and...
...fun reading activity templates for our Virtual Summer Camp Adventure too.
You can sign up for Virtual Summer Camp Adventure today at this link.
One of the most important details I want to make sure to highlight is the one url everyone will need for Our Virtual Camp Adventure.
The link capstonepub.com/camp will take everyone to everything this summer. All of the choice boards, eBooks, Buncee challenges and little extra details to make this a wonderful summer reading and learning program, will be located at that link from May 31 to August 31, 2021. I made sure to add that url and the QR code to everything I created.
I created posters to put up around the school, in the library and classrooms. I will also be hanging them in our public library and spaces.
You will find all three of the different versions of this Virtual Camp Adventure flyer
here, where you can make a copy to add your own details and changes.
This is the letter I wrote to share with our families about Virtual Summer Camp Adventure. You will find it
here in this Buncee and if you'd rather use a Google Document to reproduce the letter to send or print, you will
find it here.
I will be sharing the letter electronically with all students and families, and also will print it off to send home. I will post it on our social media channels for the Van Meter School Library and School too.
We also added a new purple button to the front page of the Virtual Summer Camp Adventure that will be super helpful in supporting our families.
When the choice boards open up on May 31, families and students will see this button that says, Click here for Family Information on the camp and choice board help.
This will be helpful to teachers, librarians and even public librarians who are using it this summer too.
When that button is clicked, it will open up to this Google Doc for....
...the How To Use The Virtual Camp Adventure With Your Children This Summer Google Doc and...
...Directions For Using The Virtual Camp Adventure Choice Boards.
Even though the main Virtual Camp Adventure Choice Board isn't open until May 31, you will find the Google Document with these two documents
here. Feel free to make a coy and use as it is or make changes for your families and community.
For our families, I am going to add this to the Virtual Camp Adventure Family Letter. Again, feel free to make a copy and make changes to fit your needs.
By giving our students and families (and teachers and librarians) these important supports, we will make sure that everyone has an amazing summer participating in the Virtual Camp Adventure.

I also love marketing and sharing special events and information with super cute and fun bookmarks. It is a great way for our students to have the information they need at their fingertips all summer long.
And all kids love bookmarks!
As you can see, I have included the short URL, capstonepub.com/camp, and QR code on the bookmark,
along with the schedule and themes for the 12 weeks.
These are 2 x 6 inches which makes them the perfect size for where I order all of my bookmarks from...
My friend, Gabby, from Buncee, also created lots of amazing posters, parent letters and bookmarks for us to choose from as we get ready to kick off Our Virtual Camp Adventures in your school community.
On the
Virtual Camp Adventure Buncee Board found here, you will find the posters, bookmarks, family letter templates and lots of different templates for our Virtual Camp Adventures Buncee Challenges that I will share more about in an upcoming post.
You will want to bookmark this Buncee Board, as we will be sharing all of the different things to use throughout the summer. And remember, I am sharing the different Buncee's I am creating for our Virtual Camp Adventure at Van Meter too.
There are posters,
bookmarks and...
...templates for family letters. And this special little Buncee, I will share on our social media as our community gets ready to go to Camp on May 31.
Later today, I will be sharing a little sneak peak at the bi-weekly theme choice boards and eBook choice boards. I am super excited and can't wait to share with all of you.
On May 31, you will receive the LIVE alert and all students and families will be able to login for the 12-week virtual event too.
We are so excited about this special summer adventure and we hope you and your students take it with us too.
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