On April 8, 2024, there will be a total eclipse that will pass across the United States.
article from USA Today has lots of details that would be very interesting to share with your students too.
From this information, I wanted to create a choice board filled with a few books, article and videos for our students, teachers and families to use as we all get ready for the eclipse.
And I wanted to share the eclipse choice board with all of you too!
First, it is very important for everyone to understand how to safely view a solar eclipse so I added this to the very top of the choice board.
Under that, I added a site where you can go to view what the eclipse will look like in your location. You just add your location at the top and then use the slider at the bottom to view during the time of the eclipse. I added in our location of West Des Moines, Iowa but you can change that for your school and just link it to the image.
From the
Eclipse Choice Board found here, you just have to make a copy and add the link to the PebbleGo Next article and eBook so it is from your account. You can make any changes you would like.
I loved finding Totality! A Eclipse Guide in Rhyme and Science on Story Time from Space a few weeks ago.
On the site,
you can watch astronaut, Steve Bowen, read
Totality! and do a solar eclipse demonstration.
It's really awesome to learn about the eclipse with Steve! You won't want to miss this special event.
And on the left hand side of the choice board, you will see two other videos perfect for all students as they learn about the eclipse.
What resources are you using, friends? I would love to add them to this choice board too.