We created a display in the hallway outside of our library that will celebrate all readers within our school community. We will include teachers, administrators, associates, school board members, lunch staff, nurse, office staff, bus drivers, coaches and others.
Our main goal is to show that everyone LOVES to read here at Van Meter!

Here is what we did to create this special new reading display.
We covered the background of the glass display case with brown craft paper and put up a super cute boarder. It matches the one across the hallway that celebrates...
...our students as readers too. You can read all about the I am a Van Meter Reader display and campaign here.
I then took lime green yarn and cut it the width of the display case. I stapled it from one end to the other creating a clothesline effect within the display.

I will use these little wooden clothes pins and signs on the yarn. I picked these up at Hobby Lobby.
I went to
Canva and created a 8 x 8 inch black and white sign that says,
Everyone loves to read here at Van Meter!
I added #oneofmyfavoritebooks to celebrate books everyone will share.
I copied the sign on cardstock and laminated it.
I then hung it up with the clothespins in the middle of the display. I put a little piece of scotch tape on the back to keep it in place.
My library associate, Natasha, and I tested out the teacher template with a book she wanted to share.
I took her picture with my iPhone and sent it to my MacBook.
I then found a frame in Canva that looks like a Polaroid picture.
You can find these Frames under Elements in Canva.
They are super easy to use. All you have to do is drag and drop your photo into the frame. It will automatically fill with the photo.
I added text to the bottom of the Polaroid frame that says I am a Van Meter Reader! and the hashhtag #oneofmyfavoritebooks to share what they are holding in their picture.
I downloaded the Canva image on my laptop and printed it on the color copier using cardstock.
I cut around the image and hung it on the yarn right by the sign. I also put a little piece of scotch tape behind this so it stayed in place.
I added some super cute and bright confetti at the bottom of the case.
It's been so fun to fill this display case with all of our staff who love to read!
With the extra prints, I love how Natasha, my amazing library assistant, took the extra and posted them around the library on the books our staff picked.
And in the classroom windows too!
This is such a fun and easy way to celebrate reading and for everyone to see our amazing reading community.
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