One of my favorite places to go each week is the Flocabulary website! It is always filled with such fun and exciting resources to use with our young people.
From the moment you go to the website and read....
you are hooked! And just wait to see what you will find on Flocabulary!
A talented and cool team of artists and educators have created an online library of educational hip-hop songs and videos that can be used "to engage and inspire students" in grades K-12.
The very first feature that hooked me and my students were the "The Week In Rap" videos.
Each week they create a rap which highlights the current events and happenings over the last week.
As if the raps for each week aren't awesome enough, Flocabulary creates several activities that accompany each as well.There are challenge questions, interactive lyrics, fill in the blanks, and
a printable activity, which are different each week.
I really love how they have the "Topic Information" and "Tour" buttons throughout the website. When you click on "Tour" it takes the teacher through a short tutorial on how to use the resources and site.
This makes it so easy to really jump right into using Flocabulary each and every week for so many different subjects and topics.
Check out "The Week In Rap Shout-Out Contest" where students respond to a weekly challenge for the chance to get their school mentioned in an upcoming song.
My students loved the weekly raps and we have created our very own about digital citizenship and being safe online.
And speaking about digital citizenship, you just have to check out the new video they created with Common Sense Media called Oversharing...Think Twice Before You Post. This is perfect for our kids as we all go back-to-school and talk to them about being safe and respectful online.
The "Writing Academic Rhymes" guide is another wonderful resource for guiding students in developing higher-order thinking skills through high-interest writing after listening to the raps on Flocabulary.
As you can see there is something for everyone on Flocabulary. There are songs and videos for whatever subject you teach.
Along with each these in-depth planning tips and supplementary lesson plans which will guide you in implementing Flocabulary resources.
Each month there are "Flocabulary activities for all the big and small events each month".
When you are signed into your Flocabulary account, one is allowed to mark videos and songs as "Favorites".
They have also taken each video and alligned it with all of the Common Core State Standards for each grade level.

Flocabulary is one website you don't want to miss using this year!
By clicking on this link, you can sign up for a FREE 30-day school trial and try it out with your students too.
Anytime rap, music, and fun are involved students are engaged and excited about learning. With Flocabulary, I have seen this over and over again. I just know you will too!
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