Yesterday on the School Library Journal's NeverEnding Search blog by Joyce Valenza, Joyce posted Crowdsourcing what's next. Help me explore what will be big in 2015.
Please read this and help us with this article and research by visiting the Google Doc and sharing your ideas and thoughts on this topic.
We appreciate your help with this....Together we are definitely better!
You can read Joyce's post here....
Crowdsourcing what’s next. Help me explore what will be big in 2015
the past several years I’ve been identifying and writing about tech trendsfor the coming year and considering how they will impact the work of the teacher librarian.
The time has come again, but this time around I would like to crowd-source the effort. Shannon Miller and I are pulling our own ideas together and we would love your input.
I am usually guided by the impressive work of the New Media Consortium and its Horizon Reports, particularly the intersections of its K12 Edition, Higher Education, and new Library Edition.
But what you are actually seeing on the ground? What are you dreaming about? What trends do you see in your own practice? And does it look different across school libraryland?
Please help me answer the following questions:
- What trends in the world outside–in industry, higher ed, politics, communications, social media, etc.–will most affect our libraries and classrooms?
- Which new tools or technologies are true game-changers? How will mobile devices, curation tools, collaborative platforms and the transparency of student work change our instructional strategies?
- Are there new skills or creative expressions you will expect of your learners?
- (How) Will the physical space of your library shift?
- What will you buy or stop buying?
- Are there new challenges afoot? (NMC labels them as solvable, difficult, wicked)
- What are you most excited about for the coming year?
- And in what ways can teacher librarians assume new leadership roles relating to technology?
I would love to quote and highlight your thought in this upcoming Digital Shift piece. Please share, in your comments, on this Google Doc, or write me at