As we get ready for school to start again, we also start planning for special library and school events that happen throughout the year.
One of the best days of the entire year happens on September 15th. It is called International Dot Day! This is a day that we can all make our mark on the world through friendship, love, art, technology, play, reading, and fun!
We have been celebrating Dot Day with students, teachers, and our community for four years now. Instead of containing Dot Day to one day, we celebrate all week long....throughout the library, school, and community.
How exciting that there are only 52 days left! You can find this globe and information on the Dot Day website.
You can join others around the world on the Google Document that we have started for another amazing year of Dot Day collaboration.
Once you are at the International Dot Day Connections 2014 Google Document, please add your information....name, school, location, Twitter, Skype, and anything else you want to share.
Now start connecting! By adding your schedule, ideas, and plans for Dot Day, you will start to build a wonderful day or week that your students won't forget.
And just as my dear friend Peter says....
Make Your Mark....And See Where It Takes You.
Let's make this the BEST Dot Day ever!