Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Season 10 of the Future Ready Podcast Series, Leading From The Library, Is Here, Friends!


It's here!  

Season 10 of the Future Ready podcast series, Leading From The Library is now LIVE with 12 new episodes with amazing librarians, educators and other special guests. We couldn't be more excited about this new season full of amazing stories, timely topics and inspiring conversations. 
Today, we kick off Season 10 with Heather Delouchry, and her podcast, The Love of Reading Outdoors: Students, Families and Community Members Enjoy A Storywalk."
It was so inspiring to hear more about Jill's work and story.

You won't want to miss these wonderful conversations, friends.
On the Leading from the Library podcast site, you will find all of the future and past episodes.
There are so many important, interesting and exciting topics for all of us as Future Ready Librarians and educators. You won't want to miss them. 
You can subscribe to wherever you listen to your podcasts. 
A big thank you to our friends at Follett Content for supporting our Future Ready Librarian Podcast Series. 

We hope that you join us each week for the Leading from the Library Podcast, friends.  

BIG NEWS, Friends! Adobe AI Generator Is Now In Book Creator!


Friends, did you hear the amazing news? 

Adobe AI Generator is now in Book Creator

As teachers and librarians, we need safe tools and meaningful ways to introduce and use AI with our students. I love how using Adobe AI Generator with Book Creator will give our students a place to bring their learning, thoughts, and creativity to life through AI.  
We are on spring break this week, so I went to Book Creator and used a photo we took of our dog, Louie, at the lake this week.  I added my photo and...
...followed these steps for Using Adobe Image Generator in Book Creator. 

Please note that you must have an Adobe Educator account to use this within Book Creator. 
Once the AI Image Generator was enable, I clicked on the icon and...
...it took me right to the Adobe Express to the AI Image Generator.  

I added my prompt and size. It generated four AI images within seconds. I selected one and click on Add to book in the top right corner.  It's that easy!  
Our 1st graders have been creating a collaborative book about ocean animals using Book Creator and PebbleGo Animals.  They illustrated a picture of their animals and found real photos last week to add to their pages.  

I was thinking...Wouldn't it be fun for Rae to generate an AI picture of her illustration?  I gave it a try and can't wait to show Rae and the other 1st graders next week. This is such a meaningful way for them to learn how to use AI in a research project that will showcase what they learned and created in an authentic and fun way. 

Give it a try today, friends. 

You can read this post by Randi Ahrndt on the Book Creator blog to learn more and for lots of inspiration on how to use this amazing integration with your students in the classroom and library. 

Find Your State Award Books In Titlewave! Learn How Here, Friends.


Today, I am working in my Follett Titlewave on the upcoming Iowa Association of School Librarians Award Book nominees for the 2025-26 school year.  

Did you know that in Titlewave, you can find your State Award Books?  

On the Library tab in Titlewave here, go way to the bottom...
...under Additional Resources.  There you will find State Resources where you can explore state award winners and more. 
I love being able to find all of the IASL Award Nominee lists right in my Titlewave.  It makes ordering our upcoming award nominee books so much easier. 

Watch this video to learn more, friends.