Monday, March 8, 2021

Go On A Virtual Field Trip With Hopper The Explorer In Google Maps Today!

It's always great finding a fun new site to share with our students and teachers.  Today, I would love to share one called Hopper The Explorer

Our students love going to Hopper The Explorer from our Virtual Field Trips Buncee that you can find here.  They have so much fun helping Hopper explore different places around the world.  

Let me show you how it works! 
Hopper The Explorer is found in Google Arts and Culture as a Google Experiment.  When you click on Let's Go, 
it takes you into Google Maps.  It asks you to Drag Hopper Over The Map and drop him on the little circles. 
When you drop him on the first one, Hopper's Rock, 
it gives important information on Hopper, where he is from, important facts about all...
rockhoppers and...
...even links to other famous rockhoppers.  
After you visit Hopper's Rock, it's time to explore other places. Just find one of the circles and drop Hopper there. 
It will show you where landed in Google Maps.  It's so much fun because little Hopper is dancing all around. 
You can send Hopper anywhere by clicking around the map and even...
...take a Polaroid picture. The kids absolutely love this part and think it's so much fun to see all of the different poses of Hopper. 

Check out a few of the places Hopper and I visited today...
You can click on Learn More for information about...
...the places Hopper is visiting. 
You can also type in places you want Hopper to visit in the left hand corner. 
I had Hopper visit Van Meter and...
...Grand Lake today.  
Once you are there with Hopper, it's fun to explore and learn more in Google Maps. 
When you have a picture you want to share, it's easy to share on any social network, email and even in Google Classroom.  You can grab the link at the bottom of that window too. 
Once you and Hopper do a little traveling around the world in Google Maps, you will be able to see the travel route and find even more places Hopper can visit. 

Have fun with Hopper traveling around the world, while learning about places and geography too. 

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