Wednesday, December 30, 2009

AWESOME Book and Author Games from Harper Collins!

On HarperCollins Children's website, you can find several fun book and author games! I have listed a few of them below...

Amelia Bedelia's Word Search

Amelia Bedelia's Word Search

Help Amelia find the hidden words.
Play Now
Big Words for Little People

Big Words for Little People

Play the Big Words for Little People spelling game!
Play Now

FUN Interactive Quizzes on National Geographic Traveler Website!

Today I came across a really cool resource on National Geographic Traveler!

They have created several interactive quizzes on different topics like Pirates, Chocolateering, Toys, and other fun things! I just took a quiz on SNOW since we already have 27 inches of snow here in Van Meter! :) Click here to take the Ice and Snow Quiz. Underneath that quiz, you will see the links for the other quizzes as well.

I hope you are having a fun break! :)

FUN Interactive Quizzes on National Geographic Traveler Website!

Today I came across a really cool resource on National Geographic Traveler!

They have created several interactive quizzes on different topics like Pirates, Chocolateering, Toys, and other fun things! I just took a quiz on SNOW since we already have 27 inches of snow here in Van Meter! :) Click here to take the Ice and Snow Quiz. Underneath that quiz, you will see the links for the other quizzes as well.

I hope you are having a fun break! :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

CHECK OUT the Diigo Libraries From VOICE!

Happy Holidays Everyone! I hope you are all having a fun break and great time with your family and friends.

Over break, I have been putting together SUPER lists of websites and online resources for students in my Diigo Library.

Diigo is a social bookmarking Web 2.0 tool, which is a great way to collect and share sites you find. On the Van Meter Library VOICE website I have made a page just for my Diigo Library and you can find it HERE.

And here are few of the other lists for secondary students and teachers that I have created in my Diigo Library:

GREAT Diigo Lists to Check Out from VOICE!

Happy Holidays Everyone! I hope you are all having a fun break and great time with your family and friends.

Over break, I have been putting together SUPER lists of websites and online resources for students in my Diigo Library.

Diigo is a social bookmarking Web 2.0 tool, which is a great way to collect and share sites you find. On the Van Meter Library VOICE website I have made a page just for my Diigo Library and you can find it HERE.

And here are few of the other lists for elementary students that I have created in my Diigo Library:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Secondary Brain Games from VOICE

Secondary Brain Games from VOICE

This is the List that I created in my Diigo Library for Brain Games!

Check out this list! You will find a lot of cool websites that you will like.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Elementary Brain Games from VOICE

Elementary Brain Games from VOICE

This is the List that I created in my Diigo Library for Elementary Brain Games!

You will love all of the websites that I put into this List!

NEW Van Meter Libraries VOICE Google Site!

I have some exciting news! We have a new Van Meter Libraries VOICE Google Site! VOICE will be the home of our elementary and secondary libraries. On this website you will be able to find just about anything that has to do with thinking, creating, learning, viewing, searching, accessing, listening, reading, and of course BEING HEARD!

NEW Van Meter Libraries VOICE Google Site!

I have some exciting news! We have a new Van Meter Libraries VOICE Google Site! VOICE will be the home of our elementary and secondary libraries. On this website you will be able to find just about anything that has to do with thinking, creating, learning, viewing, searching, accessing, listening, reading, and of course BEING HEARD!

School Library Journal-Battle of the (Kids') Books

The Battle of the (Kids') Books brought to us by School Library Journal is a SUPER FUN place to go to read about great books just for you! It was a competition between 16 of the very best books for young people published in 2008, judged by some of the biggest names in children's books.

Go to this blog to check out the winners and read some great discussion about these books!

School Library Journal-Battle of the (Kids') Books

The Battle of the (Kids') Books brought to us by School Library Journal is a SUPER FUN place to go to read about great books just for you! It was a competition between 16 of the very best books for young people published in 2008, judged by some of the biggest names in children's books.

Go to this blog to check out the winners and read some great discussion about these books!

SCREENR! Try Out This Awesome Web 2.0 Tool for Twitter!

If you are a fan of Twitter then I am sure you have heard some of these words before....

Twitter! Tweet! Hoot Suite! Retweet! TwitThis! Twitpic!! Tweet Deck!

Well I am so excited to feature a new one that I just learned about while reading my Diigo bookmarks of the day!

It is called SCREENR! Screenr lets you record a 5 minute ready-to-tweet screencast to share with your followers on Twitter! It is just that easy. I just created a Screenr to share with my daughter through a Tweet. I love this! :)

p.s. It might be a great day to get your own Twitter and start to be heard through your Tweets too!

Another Snow Day! What to do now!


When I woke up this morning, I could hear the wind and knew that the weather might now be good enough to have school again. By 8:30 am, school was cancelled and we were wondering what to do in our house. My son is reading The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and loves the first book of this popular series. But my daughter and I wanted to find a few new books for these days at home and our break coming up.

I love going to to read about new books, authors, and all the news in the literary world of young adult books. You can sign up for their online newsletter which is a great way to keep up with this site. I also like how they include the covers of the books and that it is written for young adults. There is also a page called "Videos and Podcasts" which is a fun place to watch new book news from authors and others.

Also, Barnes & Noble Teens. It gives GREAT reading ideas by featuring new releases, teen favorites, series, award books, and much more. I especially like how the books are put into popular catergories. For example, today there are several books featured under the heading "Dark Romance....Books for the Lovers of Super Natural." If you liked the Twilight series you will find a new book under this heading for sure!

And of course the best way to learn about books to read is by listening and talking to others.
There isn't a day that goes by in our library at Van Meter that I don't hear about 4 or 5 great books to read. This is one of the best parts of my job as a teacher librarian. And of course I want to keep the VOICES coming in our library! :) Thanks for sharing everyone.

Have a wonderful safe day at home and enjoy some quiet reading and sharing today.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Best Books of 2009!

With the end of the year coming, there have been several Best Books of 2009 lists released in the last few weeks. I LOVE looking through these lists because they give me ideas on new books to read and get for our libraries.

Here are a few of the lists....I hope you can get some new reading and book ideas too! Please let me know if you see a book that you would like to read. We can add it to our list of books to get for the library.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Vote for the Goodreads Choice Awards!

Tonight on the Goodreads Choice Award website they announced that it was time to vote for our favorite books of the year. Go to Goodreads Choice Award interactive ballot here and help choose the five-star books of 2009. They used statistics from the site to create Top 10 lists in multiple genres.

Vote for your favorites and help select the Goodreads Choice Awards for 2009. The winners will be announced in the January newsletter.

Goodreads is the largest social network for readers in the world. They have more than 2,600,000 members who have added more than 64,000,000 books to their shelves. A place for casual readers and bona-fide bookworms alike, Goodreads members recommend books, compare what they are reading, keep track of what they've read and would like to read, form book clubs and much more. Mrs. Miller's user name is Shannon.

Check it out ...It is a good tool to try on our snow day tomorrow. :)

Check Out These NEW Van Meter Student Blogs!

Every morning when I get up I read several blogs that I subscribe to in my Google Reader. For the last couple of weeks I have had three new ones to read. And the most exciting thing about these blogs is that Van Meter students have created them!

Here are the new Van Meter student blogs that you will want to check out:

Hear Us Read created by 7th graders Sarah and Jennifer features authors, books, and reading!

VM Web Watch: What You Read Now, Is What We Were Then! created by 7th graders Ali and Summer is featuring the girls VOICES through their journey in technology.

We Talk created by 5th grader Emma is going to feature the 4th and 5th graders VOICE through book talks, news, and projects.

I have created a new box on the side of the VOICE blog to list Van Meter student blogs so if you have one and it would like it to be featured too just let me know.

We are also going to be meeting in the library for BLOG BUDDIES 4th hour. This will be a great time to work on our blogs together. Come join us if you would like. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Excited to announce a new student blog!

It is a Snowy Day outside, just like one of my favorite books. :) In the morning when we all get up to welcome the first Snow Day of the school year, I will read that to my son Hagan.

I will also take a look at something new! It is the newest Van Meter student blog called We Talk created by blogger Emma D. This blog will hold book talks that the 4th and 5th graders are going to create in the Mac computer lab. The students are writing their book talks in December and the day we get back from break will start the production of these book talks.

Emma and her classmates will be adding lots of neat products to We Talk in the next few months.

You can find We Talk here! Have fun following their project on this blog and in the library.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Facebook Application....STATUS CLOUD!

Status Cloud is a new application on Facebook that creates word clouds (like Wordle) Status Cloud lets you generate a cool looking cloud of the words your status updates mostly contain. LOVE THIS!

Check out my Status Cloud from my Facebook:


FUN Thanksgiving Activity!

If you're looking for an fun activity to do on Thanksgiving with your family and friends, National Geographic Kids offers a Mad Libs-like story writing activity. Funny Fill-In generates a funny Thanksgiving story based on the words that kids write in response to Thanksgiving prompts. If you don't use this at home tomorrow, consider bookmarking it for next year.

Wondering What to Do Over Break?

Thanksgiving break is here and we have five days off! I can't believe that it is almost December and the amount of THINKING, LEADING, AND SERVING taking place among our students and teachers at Van Meter!

Now since we are home for a few days are you wondering what you are going to do over break?

I have an idea for you! How about checking out all of the amazing Web 2.0 tools that I have put onto the Van Meter Library VOICE Google site? The list is growing everyday and it is a great place to go find some new Web 2.0 tools to try out.

Also, I have added pages for Image, Sound, and Video Web Online Resources and Reading, Book, and Author Web 2.0. These tools are free and will be valuable resources to you. Try them out and let me know if you have any questions.

AND TEACHERS....I have a new page on VOICE called Teacher Web 2.0 Tools where I will post resources for teaching and learning. I will be happy to help you brainstorm ways to use these tools in your classroom! :) There are so many possibilities.

Have a super Thanksgiving!

I will see everyone next week. Mrs. Miller

Wondering What to Do Over Break?

Thanksgiving break is here and we have five days off! I can't believe that it is almost December and the amount of THINKING, LEADING, AND SERVING taking place among our students and teachers at Van Meter!

Now since we are home for a few days are you wondering what you are going to do over break?

I have an idea for you! How about checking out all of the amazing Web 2.0 tools that I have put onto the Van Meter Library VOICE Google site? The list is growing everyday and it is a great place to go find some new Web 2.0 tools to try out.

Also, I have added pages for Image, Sound, and Video Web Online Resources and Reading, Book, and Author Web 2.0. These tools are free and will be valuable resources to you. Try them out and let me know if you have any questions.

AND TEACHERS....I have a new page on VOICE called Teacher Web 2.0 Tools where I will post resources for teaching and learning. I will be happy to help you brainstorm ways to use these tools in your classroom! :) There are so many possibilities.

Have a super Thanksgiving!

I will see everyone next week. Mrs. Miller

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Become Famous With MagMyPic!

Hey everyone,

Check out this awesome magazine cover that I created at You can download a picture (even one that you took in PhotoBooth), choose a cover, and then share it with others. You can share it on Facebook, Blogger, Twitter, Myspace, and many other places. Also, it is easy to just email it to someone. Try it out and share your covers with others! :)

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Thursday, November 19, 2009

13 Going on 35! The Best YA for 2009!

I love reading BEST BOOK LISTS and this one is awesome! The 13 Going on 35: The Best YA for 2009 list came out today on the Library Journal website. I like how they have the list organized. I cannot read Hunger Games which was listed as a great book to cuddle up with in your jammies all day!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Shannon Miller's Email Address Changing

Hi Everyone,

I am going to begin using my new Google email for all work and personal emails.  Please change my email address to

Thanks.  Have a super day, Shan

Posted via email from Van Meter Library Voice's Posterous

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

WatchKnow - Videos for kids to learn from. Organized.

Posted via web from Shannon Miller

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Come to the Van Meter Scholastic Book Fair and check out the second book of the Hunger Games called Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. Go to this link and watch a trailer of the book. You can also find both of these books in the Van Meter Secondary Library.

Posted via web from Van Meter Library Voice's Posterous

Friday, October 30, 2009


Click here to go to an awesome website to create your very own comic strips! When you are finished creating one, you have the option to share it with friends through an email or print it off.

Sherman Alexie author of The Diary of a Part Time Indian

Sherman Alexie wrote one of the best books I have ever read. It is called Diary of a Part Time Indian. It is about a Indian teen who wants to leave his reservation and be what he describe as a "normal kid." The humor, honesty, and voice heard throughout this book is inspiring. Everyone who has read this book always comes back to the library telling me how much they loved it! Try it out too!

Sherman Alexie author of The Diary of a Part Time Indian

Sherman Alexie

Sherman Alexie wrote one of the best books I have ever read. It is called Diary of a Part Time Indian. It is about a Indian teen who wants to leave his reservation and be what he describe as a "normal kid." The humor, honesty, and voice heard throughout this book is inspiring.
Everyone who has read this book always comes back to the library telling me how much they loved it! Try it out too!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Glogster – Poster Yourself | Text, Images, Music and Video

WOW! Everyone has to check out Glogster! I am making an interactive poster tonight and will post it tomorrow. SO COOL!

Posted via web from Van Meter Library Voice's Posterous

School chooses Kindle; are libraries for the history 'books'?

I cannot imagine a library without books. The introduction of Kindles would be wonderful, but to stop purchasing actual books. Now I would love the $12,000 coffee maker in the library! :)

Posted via web from Van Meter Library Voice's Posterous

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Point of View Books by Penguin

My all time favorite book Looking for Alaska is on this list. I knew when I saw After, the book I am currently reading and loving, it had to be a great book too! The Point of View books have been some of the most popular books in our library. I need to get to the book store and buy Hold Still. I cannot wait to read that too!

Posted via web from Van Meter Library Voice's Posterous

Digital Citizenship

Welcome to the Digital Citizenship blog.  The work on Digital Citizenship has been going on for years but now that there is an overwhelming amount of technology out there we are beginning to see issues.  Whenever there is a change in technology as we have seen in the last 20 years there was bound to be some backlash.

What is Digital Citizenship?  It focuses on using technology in an appropriate way, but it does go further than that.  It begins to look at how we are going to work and play in the years to come.  It begins to look at how technology has become a part of our lives to an extent that sometimes it seems hard to separate.  The issue at hand is how we handle the use of technology in our daily lives.

The other part of this issue is that we have an entire generation that has grown up with technology.  By its design the technology community has not imposed many rules or regulations on its users.  Now we are having issues in homes, schools, and in society with how technology is being used.

This blog will begin to explore some of these issues through the nine themes of Digital Citizenship.  If you are interested in this topic go to the site and explore some if the concepts on those pages.  Enjoy the technology, but don't let it become who you are.

Posted via web from Van Meter Library Voice's Posterous

House of Night Series - Tempted

I am so excited to go and pick up Tempted tonight. It is the 6th book in the House of Night Series. We have the other five in our library. If you like books about vampires, you will love these!

Posted via web from Van Meter Library Voice's Posterous

Sunday, October 25, 2009

50 Intelligent Video Sites | Open Culture | Diigo

Karen Vitek

"50 Intelligent Video Sites

in Video - Arts & Culture | October 21st, 2009 1 Comment

Back in June, we first posted a handy list of web sites where you will find free intelligent videos — documentaries, classic films, public television programs, university courses & lectures, interviews with big thinkers, etc. The collection has now grown to 50 sites. Below, you can find the first ten sites on the list, and you can check out the complete collection here. Feel free to share it with friends and, of course, tell us if we’re missing something valuable by using the comments section below."

intelligent multimedia video

Posted via web from Van Meter Library Voice's Posterous

Love Picnik!

Love the new Posterous Picnik image that I made! :)

Posted via email from Van Meter Library Voice's Posterous

Cool Twitter Backgrounds!

Here is a great website to create your own Twitter backgrounds or choose from TONS that they have! Very cool! :)

Posted via email from Van Meter Library Voice's Posterous

Friday, October 23, 2009

Get your geek on. Support the library. |

Get your geek on. Support the library. |

Get your geek on. Support the library. |

Get your geek on. Support the library. |

Cool New Tools I Learned About this Week!

One of the best parts of my job as a teacher librarian is finding new tools and media for our teachers and students to use. This week I found a few new ones and here they are:

Google Sites is an incredible resource! It is very easy to use and has a lot to offer. I created one for our library and you can see it at I am going to use Google Sites to create an electronic portfolio for my graduate work at the University of Northern Iowa. which I created one for Our Library VOICE at for videos from WatchLearn, YouTube, TeacherTube, GoogleVideo and SchoolTube for kids to learn from(age level filter)

Storybird are short, visual stories that you can make with family and friends to share and (soon) print.

I subscribe to the Google Blog. This morning they had a great new resource listed called Freedom of Expression Google This is what the blog said: To commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, we're launching a YouTube channel — — to highlight and celebrate free expression around the world, and we want to hear from you. What a great new website....We like that we can hear others with a VOICE too using this resource!

Posted via email from Van Meter Library Voice's Posterous

My First Posterous Post

Today I went to the Iowa Library Association Convention in Des Moines. I learned about Posterous. I have linked the Van Meter Library Voice Facebook, Blogger, Twitter, and YouTube to my new Posterous blog page.

I really like how I can use my email to post something to my blog.

Posted via email from vmlibraryvoice's posterous

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Another GREAT Vampire Series: House of the Night

Everyone loves the Twilight series and other vampire books. P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast has written an incredible series called The House of the Night. In our library we have Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, and Hunted. The next book Tempted comes out October 27, 2009.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days-Book 4 By Jeff Kinney

I was excited last week to pick up book 4 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. These books have been so popular at Van Meter and I just knew that this one would be as funny as the first three. Dog Days will be available at the Scholastic Book Fair in November.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Scholastic Book Fair Coming November 5-12

Once again the Scholastic Book Fair will be coming to our school during parent/teacher conferences November 5th through the 12th. Our goal is to sell over $5000.00 worth of books to bring tons of new resources into our libraries! Please come to our book and help support the reading, thinking, and learning that is taking place at Van Meter Community School.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Darren Shan, author of the Demonata and Cirque Du Freak Series

I am also getting ready to add three more books from the Demonata series to the library. The books from these two series have been very popular in our library.

My Trip to Barnes and Noble

This weekend I went to Barnes and Noble and picked up some new books for the elementary library. I know how much everyone loves to read the Sister's Grimm by Michael Buckley, so I found 4 more of those. Check out the Sister's Grimm website

I also bought the new book by Kate DiCamillo called The Magician's Elephant. I am so excited to read this new book! Brady and I are going to read it this week...I will let you know how it is! :)

Mrs. Miller's Favorite Author of the Week....Amy Efaw!

This weekend I went to Barnes and Noble to pick up some new books for the library. After by Amy Efaw was one of them. It is a about a 15 year old who has a baby and abandons the baby in a trash can alive. The book then follows Devon through the legal, physical, and emotional issues this decision costs her. I cannot put this book down and can't wait to read more by this author.

Check out Amy Efaw's website at