Saturday, August 22, 2020

Celebrate #BeWhoYouAreDay On September 30 With Todd Parr, Your Students & Others Around The World

Friends, I have a very special day to share with all of you. It's called #BeWhoYouAreDay and will be celebrated on September 30. It is inspired by one of our favorite authors, Todd Parr.

Todd inspires and empowers children around the world with fun, positive messages. 
With his amazing book, Be Who You Are, Todd wants every kid to feel just how special they truly are, and that’s why we’re celebrating #BeWhoYouAreDay on September 30. 

I have been brainstorming ways we can celebrate with our students and community at Van Meter. There are so many ways we can celebrate with the kids in our lives as we celebrate who they are.
It would be super fun to share ideas and even connect with others around the world for this special day. I have put together a Google Document where we can start making connections. You will find it here.
Please note that for making connections and sharing ideas, just click on the time zone that you are in. and it will take you to that specific bookmarked place in the Google Doc. This helps keep us organized but feel free to connect with anyone in any time zone. 
I have already signed up and can't wait to brainstorm and plan ideas and ways to celebrate with all of you. 
Also on September 30, our friends at Skype in the Classroom are hosting a special LIVE event for this day.  You can join it here

Please let me know if you have any questions.  When making connections, make sure you add your name, email, social media handles, school and what your position is within your school. 

Thank you Todd and Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for bringing us such a special day.  We can't wait to celebrate our kids on @BeWhoYouAreDay too.

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