Thursday, February 9, 2023

Turning Our Library Hallway Into A Place To Celebrate All Readers & Our Library All Year Long!

As we kick off 2023 in our library and school community, I love dreaming up new ways to celebrate our readers and library. 
We have this giant bulletin board outside of the library which is perfect for displaying new book promotion and advocacy ideas, and...
...the perfect place for our new I am a Van Meter Readers reading campaign. 

Let me show you what I did to created this display. 
First, I went to Canva and create the I am a Van Meter Reader logo. 
You will find the link from Canva here. To make a copy and edit, all you have to do is look for Edit button in the lower left hand corner, as shown in the image above. 
I ordered this as a 20 x 20 canvas from Canva. It turned out so cute! 
To go along with our display, 
I also made a Flip for our readers to add video book reviews. Once I had that created, I took the link and made a QR code to go onto our bulletin board too. 

This will be a great place for our readers to share what they are reading. 
Last week, we went around to each classroom to get a group picture of them with the I Am A Van Meter sign.  We printed the photos and laminated them. 
We hung them up around the sign, filling up the long bulletin board. 
It's so much fun for everyone to see all of our readers! 
After we hung up the photos, we realized we needed something to fill up the spaces. 

We are going to fill up the display all year long with the new books we add to our library throughout the year.  I can't wait to see what it looks like by the end of the year. 

Just think of the way it will inspire reading and our readers!  
And right across the hallway, everyone else will be sharing on this new display, Everyone loves to read here at Van Meter. You can read all about it here

The hallway right outside of our library will be a place to celebrate all readers, all year long!  

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