Saturday, February 4, 2023

Our February 2023 BOOKHUB Takeout Stations To Inspire and Support The Reading Lives Of Our Students and Teachers!

We are always looking for ways to make our library program the best it can be for our students, teachers and school community. 

As a Future Ready Librarian, I want to make sure I am always inspiring and supporting the reading lives of both our students and teachers everyday. 

This year, we made a few little changes to our BOOKHUB program to give our teachers more choice and control over the books they pick and read from the BOOKHUB Menu we put together each month. 

And instead of putting the posters and bags on each teachers door, 

...we decided to make the baskets in the library by the door the BOOKHUB Takeout baskets for all books from the BOOKHUB Menu. 
On the poster, I shared this message with the teachers. They get come and get books from the takeout containers (baskets) anytime they'd like. When they finish, we ask them to drop them back off at the BOOKHUB Takeout Station. 
You will find the Canva template for the BOOKHUB Takeout sign here if you'd like to use it too. 

And here is another layout of the poster that I used on the library door. 

You will find this the Canva template for this BOOKHUB Takeout Station sign here.
I also used this one in the corner of our new BOOKHUB Menu for the BOOKHUB Takeout Station. 

For this monthly menu, my library assistant, Natasha, and I, spend a lot of time reading and talking as we put together a special list of books for our teachers to share as read alouds in their classrooms each month.

I do the collage of book covers in PicMonkey
We love how our BOOKHUB Takeout Station came together for our teachers and we are excited for what it will bring to all of our students. 

Natasha and I will keep the books moving throughout the month.  We will monitor to see if we need to add more to the menu next month. 

With our BOOKHUB Takeout Stations, our hope is that our teachers and students share even more amazing reading experiences together throughout the year. We love supporting them from our library in this way. 

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