Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Using Merge Cubes & Augmented Reality With Our Preschoolers As They Learn More About Plants

After using our Merge Cubes and the science simulations in Merge Explorer with our kindergarteners last week, one of our preschool teachers, Rebecca Wilson, asked me about using them with her students.  

Rebecca noticed there was a Science Simulation in Merge EDU About Plants and they have been learning about plants in their STEM focused classroom. 

In this simulation, students can learn more about the life cycle of a plant, a plant cell, plants and bees and more. 
To prepare for my visit to their classroom. I made a sheet that showed a picture of the app they would find on the iPad and a picture of the About Plants simulation they would find once they opened the Merge Explorer app.  This helped as I explained and showed them how it worked. 
And it was super helpful as they found and opened the app with a friend. 

Once they had it opened, they set off to explore the different activities. 
We loved how excited and curious they were to see the augmented reality on the Merge Cubes. 
After we explored together, Rebecca put them in their technology station for the week where they will have a chance to explore the other science simulations too. 

I can't wait to check in with them to see what they found and learned.  

You can learn more about Merge EDU and how we used it with our kindergartners here.

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