Thursday, June 4, 2020

Providing Materials, Programs and Experiences To Support Our Students This Summer

As we head into the summer months, I don't think there has never been a year that we think more about our students and how to support them with the learning and reading they will do over the summer. 
In this preparation, we are creating summer reading and learning programs such as the Virtual Camp Adventure summer program I created for my school community and others that you will find here; connecting our students to public library summer reading programs; sharing things on our school library social media and so much more.  
I was excited to see that our friends at Follett are also supporting summer learning and reading by offering print workbooks in a variety of content and age levels, as shown in the samples above.  These are pre-owned, but not used workbooks, therefore allowing for a big savings for schools.
With these workbooks, teachers and families can help students maintain the progress they have made this year by giving them a place to learn if they need a break from screens and technology, or perhaps without access to internet and technology, these print resources will be helpful too. 
There is a wide range of subject and grade level materials available to ship immediately that you will find on the Follett site here.  They will be shipped to school and then can be shared with students. 

We all know that keeping kids engaged throughout the summer will minimize the summer slide and keep them learning in meaningful ways. These are great to pair up with the library programs that you and your community may be providing, and the experiences they are having with family and friends too. 

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