Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Excited To Be A New Part Of The Skype Moments Ambassador Group!

Skype is one of my favorite web tools to use.  It not only connects all of us and our students, teachers, and schools to one another, it also brings such a wonderful cast of characters into our libraries, classrooms, communities and homes.

I am excited to be part of an amazing group of people who love and use Skype as much as me.  This group is called the Skype Moment Makers.   It is made up of people who are passionate about all walks of, technology, cooking, parenthood, travel, film, sports, pets, music, photography, beautiful, fashion, innovation, gaming, and more!
Skype has asked me to be the ambassador for education and it is such a honor to be part of the Moment Makers.  I can't wait to see what we do together and with all of you getting our students, teachers, and school communities even more connected through Skype than we ever have before.
You can read about all of the Skype Ambassadors on the site and follow them through their social media connections as well.

I really enjoyed reading the interviews each of did with Skype too.  Just think how fun it would be to connect your students to all of these wonderful people.

My son Hagan can't wait to connect with Harrison Barnes who is the Skype Moments Sports Ambassador.  We will definitely follow the fun things he does through Skype.

I hope to see you soon on Skype soon too!  You can also follow @SkypeMoments to read about special moments in Skype from around the world.

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