Monday, July 22, 2024

Join Us For Back-to-School Special: Ask A Future Ready Librarian on August 14! You Can Register Here, Friends.


Join us for an exciting and interactive webinar on August 14, 2024 at 5:00-6:00pm EST. This one is designed to kick off your school year with a boost! 

Our "Ask a Librarian" webinar, hosted by the inspiring Shannon McClintock Miller, offers a unique opportunity to engage with four exceptional librarians from across the country. These experts will be on hand to answer your questions and share their experiences in creating innovative, collaborative, and student-centered learning library communities.

During this webinar, you will:

Gain insights into best practices from experienced Future Ready Librarians

Address challenges and opportunities in implementing the Future Ready Librarians Framework

Learn strategies for success and professional growth in library leadership roles

We encourage you to bring your questions or submit them beforehand to ensure they are addressed during the session.

Register today - it’s FREE!

P.S. Even if you can’t attend live, register anyway to receive the on-demand video as soon as it’s available.

P.P.S. Submit your questions to Lia Dossin at

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