The Healthy Tip Corner

Sunday, January 5, 2025

It's Here, Friends...Our January 2025 Choice Boards!

Happy New Year, friends. I hope you had a relaxing and fun holiday season. 

With the new year here, so it the January choice board!  Our January Choice Board where reading, learning, making, coding, technology and music can take you on adventures all month long. 

For January, the choice board is filled with so many new and exciting things!  I can't wait to share it with our students, teachers and families, and all of you. 

You will find Our January Choice Board here to make a copy to use with your students and school community.  This is the published link to share with your students. 
With the monthly choice board, I do include other choice boards and special holidays and celebrations. 
You will find the New Year's Day Choice Board link here to share with students....You make a copy to edit here.
You will find the Lunar (Chinese) New Year Choice Board link here to share with students.  You can make a copy to edit here
You will find the Martin Luther King Jr. Choice Board link here to share with students.  You can make a copy to edit here
I always include the Coding Choice Boards, along with a special coding activity. 
You will find the Elementary Coding Choice Boards here
And I always include the Let's Take A Trip Around The World Buncee found here
I create most of my choice boards in Google Slides. With each choice board in Google Slides, I share this with our students and teachers by publishing it to the web. 
In the image above, you can see how to do this by clicking on Share and Publish to the Web. 
The Publish to the Web window pops up that will direct you to publish to the web. It will give you a link that you will copy to share with students and teachers through Google Classroom, Seesaw and any other place you want to share this like social media and through QR codes. 

You will find Our January Choice Board here to make a copy to use with your students and school community.  This is the published link to share with your students. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or need help sharing and creating choice boards.  

I hope the monthly and special choice boards will give you and your students special opportunities for reading, learning, creating, collaborating and having fun all year long. 

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