The Healthy Tip Corner

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Celebrating Library Statistics From Destiny and Capstone With Your Readers Using These Fun Canva Templates! You Can Use Them Too, Friends.


At the end of each school year, I love sharing statistics from our library with our readers, teachers and school community. It is such a fun way to celebrate all of the reading and research our students did from the library and online.

I make a few different posters to celebrate our library statistics from Follett Destiny, and also our Capstone statistics with PebbleGo, PebbleGo Next and Capstone Interactive eBooks. 

I made the posters above in Canva.  

You can find Our Library Stats of the School Year and...
...Our Capstone Stats of the 2023-24 School Year here where you can make a copy of this template to add your own statistics from the year. 

Once you make a copy of these Canva posters, let me show you where you find these awesome stats. 
In the NEW Destiny Dashboard we can now find these statistics and more.  You can read more about the features I love with the NEW Destiny version 21.0 in this blog post
To find all of the books checked out from all grades, make sure you mark Select all Grades, as shown in the image above. 
You also want to click on Select a date range and put in the start of the school year and end of the school year.  This will give you all of the statistics for the entire school year.  

You can also search by classroom teacher.  In the Destiny Dashboard, I also love being able to find the top titles, genres, and more. 
For your Capstone stats, just log into as the administrator.  You will find reports for PebbleGo, PebbleGo Next, and Capstone Interactive eBooks.  
You can also download Data Reports for more detailed reporting too.  These are the reports we use fill out and highlight posters like My Favorite PebbleGo Articles and...
...the Top PebbleGo Articles that my daughter and creativity partner, Brianna, and I made and have been using this year. 

I will be sharing our statistic posters on our library social and summer newsletter so our readers can celebrate all of the reading they did over the school year too. 

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