The Healthy Tip Corner

Friday, February 28, 2020

A Symbaloo For Digital Learning Day & All Year Long!

For Digital Learning Day this week, we created a special Symbaloo that a lot have asked about so I thought I would share in a post.  
On Digital Learning Day, this is what all of our students visited in order to get to the 10 Technology Playground Stations we had set up around the library. I created a poster in Google Slides for each station and for the Symbaloo. 

I put them into these great holders around the library and printed one off for each teacher to hang up in their classroom too. 

You can read about all of our stations and plans here
You can get to the poster I made of the Van Meter Digital Learning Day Technology Playground Symbaloo here.

Feel free to make a copy and make your own changes too.
Now, just to explain the Digital Learning Day Symbaloo a bit.
There are 10 numbers on the Symbaloo. When you click on one of the numbered centers along the top, 
and on 10 with Capstone Interactive eBooks at the bottom, each will open up into a Google Slide that includes the posters with activities for each station.  Feel free to use these too. 
On each poster, I took the links I included on the Symbaloo under each station and made them into either QR codes or links so it would be super easy for all students to get to these activities within the station. 

I am excited to turn all of these into rotating mobile Makerspace and STEAM activities for our school community and to share this with our students, teachers and families to use throughout the year.  

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