The Healthy Tip Corner

Friday, February 28, 2025

Capstone eBook Madness Is A Fun Way To Use eBooks During March Madness! Find The Templates & Directions Here, Friends.


As we get ready for March Madness events in our library, I created one with a different twist this year. 

It's called our Capstone eBook Madness!  

I used 16 special Capstone Interactive eBooks that I have in our PebbleGo Suite.  I picked out pairs that were the same author, series, and topic to add to the Capstone eBook Madness bracket. 
I created the Capstone eBook Madness bracket in Canva.  You will find it here to make a copy. 
I then brought it into a Google Slide presentation so I could add the eBook covers and hyperlink them.

Since our Capstone eBook Madness will run for 5 weeks, just like the basketball tournament, 
I made five different slides, one for each week.  They are labeled by week to make it easy for our readers and teachers. 
Once you pick out your book covers and get them into your bracket, go to and copy the link to the eBook as shown in the image above. 
You will then go to the book cover in the bracket in the choice board and add the link. 
I made you a copy of the Google Slide presentation too. You will find it here.

Since I have a few weeks before we start, I am going to talk to my teachers and see how they want to do the voting each week.  We could use a Google Form, even a little slip of paper, or tally marks. I will let you know what we do. 

Have fun celebrating Book or eBook Madnesss with your readers, friends. 
You will find the eBooks I used, and so many more amazing books here at

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