The Healthy Tip Corner

Friday, October 4, 2024

Our Follett eFair Was A Huge Success For Our Library & Readers! Read All About It Here, Friends.


To kick off our school year, we hosted an awesome Follett Book eFair! 

In the post, We Kicked Off Our Follett Book eFair This Week! I shared how we set up the eFair for our readers and school community. 

From the very start, it was such a wonderful experience. With the promotional kit we received in the mail, 

and the resources online, it was easy to kick it off in a big way with our readers and community.  Our teachers were invited to create Teacher Wish Lists, and all teachers received a 20% discount on full priced items too. 
One of the best part of our Follett Book eFair was the huge selection of books for all readers.  I was able to set up unique carousels of books for our community, and books from authors and illustrators I know our students love. 

We ran our eFair for three weeks, giving our readers and families plenty of time to shop for books online.

I shared our goal with the community as our eFair ran. This helped get more orders as I continued to share it online and in our daily newsletter.  

On the day that our eFair closed, I got an email stating the totals and giving us an update on when the books would ship and arrive at our school. 

I couldn't even wait! 
We received emails to update along the way. 
This week was the big day as 11 boxes from Follett Content arrived at our school. 
I opened one up and found this great flyer thanking us for hosting a Follett Book eFair.  It also gave simple directions on what to do next. 
On the My eFairs page under the Follett Book eFairs site, there is a place that lets us View Orders, download an Orders Report, and View the Distribution List. 

I had downloaded and printed the Orders Report when I closed the eFair, so I pulled this out to use as we opened boxed and unpacked books. 
On the top of each box, the label shared who the books were for and what type of books.  
This made it really handy as I organized all of the boxes. 
Inside of each box, each order was packed and labeled in these cool reading bags that Follett included in each order. 
In fact, right now every Fall 2024 Purchase receives a free bag while supplies last. The kids were going to love these. 

It was so handy to have the bags labeled as they included the name of the student, name of the teacher, and what books they ordered. 
After I organized them into piles of classroom teachers, I delivered the books to each classroom. 
Placing them onto the tables and desk, and into....
...the hands of our readers was such a special feeling.  I love to see how happy they are to receive their books and can't wait to read them. 
And now that our books are here and delivered, I can't wait to spend our Titlewave credit we received for our sales.  I will be able to pick out lots of new books our library.  That is one of the best parts!  
To find out more about Follett Book eFair, visit the site here.
And to schedule your own Follett Book eFair, visit the registration site here.

I love what Follett Book eFairs brought to our readers.  It was such a fantastic way to kick off the school year and support our readers at home, school, and within our library. 

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