The Healthy Tip Corner

Friday, May 24, 2024

Join Us For Shannon's Summer Webinar Series. You Can Register For Our Entire Follett Content Summer Series Today, Friends.


With summer here, we are looking for ways to continue to grow our knowledge and skills within and for libraries. I use this time to look for topics that are interesting and fun, and ones that I can take with me into the new school year next fall. 

To help support all of you and your growth over the summer, I worked with my friends at Follett Content to develop and bring to you...Shannon's Summer Webinar Series!  

I am excited for all three of these motiving and inspiring conversations. I know you will gather new ideas and strategies to improve your program and help your students become more engaged patrons and readers.

You can register for our entire summer series at here

I hope to see you there, friends. 

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