The Healthy Tip Corner

Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Fun Way To Show How Many Books Are Still Checked Out! You Will Find The Template To Copy and Use Here, Friends.


It's almost the end of the school year and time to get our books back to the library.  

To make it fun for our readers, I put a little twist on the book counter we use throughout the year. You can read all about our digital book counter here.

For this one, I created a place to show how many books we still have checked out.  
You can find the one with three columns here to make a copy
You can find the one with four columns here to make a copy
And to make this super easy and quick to do every day, we can go to the NEW Destiny Library Dashboard to find the data we need.  

In the image above, you will see the number of books still out under Checkouts.  I love how easy this is to find this data every day. 

You can read about the Destiny Library Dashboard, and a few of my favorite new Destiny 21.0 features, here in this post from my blog
Once you have the data and you are ready to share, just go to File, Share and Publish to the Web. 
We will share this with our teachers and students everyday, and we can even make little posters by printing the image too. 

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