The Healthy Tip Corner

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The First Animated Story From Our Friends At Capstone! It's Part Of Our Virtual Camp Adventure...and You Can Find It Here, Friends.


Our friends at Capstone have something new to share. 

It's their very first animated book and it is available for everyone to watch here.

This first one, Out-of-Control Rhino by by Shoshana Stopek and illustrated by Román Díaz, tells the story of Roxy the Rhino. Roxy doesn't mean to interrupt or cut in line or take things without asking. Sometimes her excitement just takes over. Roxy has a problem with impulse control. Thankfully Roxy meets a new friend who teaches her to stop, think, and wink. Maybe some things are worth the wait--and friendship is definitely one of those things!

It is so much fun to see the book come to life in this animated book.  I can't wait to show our kids and teachers. 

You can also find the print book here on the Capstone site. It is from the series called My Spectacular Self.
I also included the animated book in Week 1 of our Virtual Summer Camp Adventure.  

You will find the 12-week Capstone Virtual Summer Camp Adventure here in this post. 
it will take you to a new page with the animated story. 

This is the first animated story Capstone has created from one of their books. I am excited to use this one with our students in summer reading, and also during the school year.  This will be a great one to share with teachers, our guidance counselor and families, as they can use it in a lesson and discussion. 

And of course, animated stories are perfect for choice boards as students can watch it themselves too.

How would you use this animated story and others with your students and teachers?  Capstone would love to know.  

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