The Healthy Tip Corner

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Using PebbleGo Create With Our Youngest Learners To Create A Digital Project and To Practice Login, Keyboarding & Navigation Skills!


One of the best parts of my job is working with students and teachers in their classrooms using books, digital resources and cool technology tools. 

And one of the BEST parts of every year is when the teachers of our youngest learners say our students are ready to give new technology a try as they get ready for the second part of their TK and kindergarten year. 

As I sat down to collaborate with our TK and kindergarten teachers a few weeks ago that is exactly what happened.  

They asked me about PebbleGo Create (Buncee) as they think ahead to the animal research projects they will work on this spring. 
PebbleGo Create is perfect to use with all learners.  It can be used within each PebbleGo article as shown above, or by itself as a creation tool. 

Also, the ability to change passwords into two images of your choice, makes it super easy for all ages to login to PebbleGo Create. 
The poster above shows how I make a poster for each student with a QR code they scan to log into our district wide PebbleGo Create (Buncee) account.  Once they get into the login screen, they can type in their username and then select the two animals for the password.
It's as easy as that for the students to get to PebbleGo Create, the place to use their research, learning and creativity to create amazing projects using this digital tool. 

As we used PebbleGo Create (Buncee) for the first time this week, our students started creating with the backgrounds, stickers, animations, emojis, shapes, and so much more within minutes. 

Look at their creations! 
I love how this little friend figured out how to take a picture and asked me to be in her creation. 
And a few of our friends, typed stories into their creations. 

With Valentine's Day being this week, a lot of our friends made a sweet little PebbleGo Create (Buncee) to share with their families.  We downloaded these to their iPads and uplaoded them to Seesaw to share.

We are happy it went so well with our TK and kindergarten students.  They will be ready to use PebbleGo Create in their animal research project and others throughout the year. 

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