The Healthy Tip Corner

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Creating Choice Boards & Interactive Displays For Award Books....And Any Books!

In our library spaces, we celebrate the state award books every year.  In Iowa, we have the IASL Book Awards in four categories so we have two in our elementary and two in our secondary. 
This year, I wanted to make the amazing award posters created by IASL found here, into interactive posters and choice boards to be displayed with the award nominees and also celebrated online with our readers. 
First, I went to Canva and created a poster template. I uploaded the four IASL posters and put one on each slide. I made sure these fit into the displays that I have for the library and classrooms. 
Next, I took that template and added it to Google Slides. You can only do one poster per presentation because you want each one to have a separate URL. 
Once they were uploaded, I added the links to book trailers and a few read alouds if there wasn't a book trailer for that particular book.  You just add that URL to the top of the book cover. I do that with the text feature in Google Slides. 
After the choice boards were all hyperlinked, I published each Google Slide and created a QR code with QR Code Monkey and a short URL with 
I will use these two for posters in the library with the books.  
Students and teachers can scan the QR code or type in the to take them to the choice board. I will hang these up in the classrooms too. 
And these are the ones that I will use as choice boards. I will share these with the students and teachers in our Van Meter Library Google Classroom and send the link out to teachers to add to their Google Classrooms too. 

You can find the 2022-23 Iowa Goldfinch Award Books choice board here. If you want to make any edits, make a copy of the choice board here.
You can find the 2022-23 Iowa Children's Choice Award Books choice board here. If you want to make any edits, make a copy of the choice board here.
Here is the Canva Template Link for all of the posters too. 
Today, I am working on the Iowa Teen Award and Iowa High School Book Award posters and trailers. I will share those as soon as I have them complete. 
I hope these are helpful Iowa library friends as you get ready to read, share and celebrate the IASL Book Awards too! 

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