The Healthy Tip Corner

Friday, October 15, 2021

Here Is A Fun, Creative and Spooky Digital Storytelling Activity Our Kids Love...Halloween Can-You-Find-It Buncee's!

To celebrate Halloween with our 2nd graders, we are going to do a fun Halloween Buncee creative writing project based on the...
...Can-You-Find-It and Spot-It Challenge series from our friends from Capstone and iSpy books by Jean Marzollo and Walter Wick. 

To kick off the project the week of Halloween, I will share the choice board above. It will walk our kids through the 5 steps they will take to complete and share their Halloween Buncee.  

Here are the 5 steps: 
1. As you think about the Halloween Can-You-Find-It Buncee you will create, read and listen to the Halloween Hunt...A Spot-It Challenge from our friends at Capstone. 
In addition to the Halloween Hunt eBook, I also went to the new Spooky Stories site from Capstone
There are three Can You Find It? images that can be viewed online or downloaded and printed for our students to use to find all of the spooky things.  These will be an awesome inspiration for our kids. 
I printed them in color and will spread them out on our students desks while they create their Buncee's. 
2. Watch and learn about how I Spy books are made too. 
I found a super cool video about how Walter Wick makes iSpy books.  
I also added a link to his website where the students will be able to see behind the scenes at how he creates the pages in the books. 
3. Create your very own Can-You-Find-It Halloween Buncee. 
I created an example Buncee to show the kids.  One page is my Halloween Can-You-Find-It Buncee...

..and the second page shares what they will be finding. 

4. For this project, the students will be creating their very own Halloween Can-You-Find-It Buncee by choosing 5-10 different objects of various numbers that will be included throughout their Buncee. 
I really love how the Capstone Spooky Sights, A Can-You-Find-It book by Sarah L. Schuette shows the different items they are looking for in each page spread.  

You can find Spooky Sights and 7 others in this series here.

I did something similar in my Halloween Can-You-Find-It Buncee here. Feel free to use this as an example. 
5. When the students are finished with their Buncee, they will add it to the Buncee Board I set up for this project. 
Once they have created their Buncee's, they will grab the link to share on the Buncee Board. 

To do this, they click on Share in the right hand corner. 
Then on Share To Boards and put in...
...the code that I provided in the directions. 
Once they have put in that code, it will tell them they have shared successfully and give them a chance to click on View Buncee Board to...
...see what all of the other 2nd graders are creating too. 
They will even be able to leave reactions and comments.  This is one of their favorite parts. 

If you would like to view the choice board I created for this project, you can make a copy to use with resources you have too. Remember when you are sharing with your students, Publish To The Web first and then share that link. 

Have a wonderful week celebrating Halloween in creative and fun ways, friends. 

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