The Healthy Tip Corner

Sunday, June 20, 2021

10 Fun Ways To Use StickTogether Posters This Summer

Summer is here, friends. 

I love this time of year as it gives us all a chance to relax, create, be outdoors and spend time with our family and friends making special memories together.

Throughout the summer, I also enjoy dreaming up ideas to share for our students and families, and with my own family and neighbors too. 

Today, I have 10 fun ideas for using StickTogether posters. Over the last few years, these amazing posters have become one of our students favorite ways to spend time together as they collaborate to create beautiful sticker posters. 

To start, let me tell you a little about StickTogether. 

StickTogether posters are made up of 100’s of tiny square stickers of different colors that create beautiful images when put together on the posters, which are coded.  They bring students, teachers, families, neighbors and friends together as they collaborate to create. 

You can read all about StickTogether posters here.

Here are the 10 fun ideas I have for using StickTogether posters this summer. 

1. Use a StickTogether poster as a way for children to continue to create throughout the summer.  The poster can be hung up at home as a way to keep children engaged and happy.  

We had a StickTogether fundraiser at the end of the school year, so I have been receiving lots of pictures like this from our families.  

I love to see how much fun our kids are having creating their very own StickTogether poster. 

2. Did you know you can work with StickTogether to create a custom sticker board? You can read all about it here.

This would be such a great idea to do for a family reunion! Everyone would love contributing to this very special family sticker board. You could have a random drawing at the end to see who gets to take it home.  

3. It would also be fun to use the custom sticker board option for a birthday party or have your child pick one of the amazing StickTogether designs from this page.  On the left hand side, you will find all of the different options for themes, collections and sizes. 

4.  Hang up a StickTogether poster outside and invite the neighbor kids to collaborate together to create the sticker poster.  It can be hung up in a play house, inside of a garage or even under a covered patio to provide a little shade as they work. 

I gave the Unicorn StickTogether poster to my neighbors and can’t wait to see it when they are done. 

5. You could even bring a StickTogether poster to a block party and hang it up somewhere shady for the entire neighborhood to work on together.  

A design such as the barn with the American Flag or the eagle with flag would be perfect around the 4th of July too. 

6. And remember, StickTogether posters aren’t just for kids.  You could bring a poster to a grown up get together too. 

7. Donate a StickTogether poster to the local library so the entire community could collaborate to create a sticker board together.  

At the beginning of the summer, I donated one of the posters for the Tails and Tales summer reading program and...

...the Large Format StickTogether poster of the bookworm to our local library and can’t wait to see it complete.  

8. If your child is going to summer camp, ask the counselors if you send one along with them for a rainy day or inside activity.  StickTogether posters are a wonderful way to cultivate new friendships. 

9. A few times this last year, I cut our StickTogether posters into multiple pieces so more classrooms could participate. You can read how I did this with the poster and stickers here. 

This same technique can be used at home, giving multiple children a chance to create something themselves or even younger children a smaller space to create. As the smaller pieces are complete, adults can assemble them into the larger sticker poster showing the finished design. 

It would be fun to try this on a road trip as it would give children a way to hold a poster in their hands as they create with the stickers.  

10. There are many StickTogether poster designs that celebrate different cultures, art and places.  As you learn together this summer or get ready for a special trip to a new place, find a StickTogether poster that supports those topics. It will be a nice way to tie in creativity and collaboration to the conversations and learning that is taking place along the way.  

We did this at school last year with research we were doing in PebbbleGo and through our eBooks. As we researched and learned about dinosaurs together, the students spent a few minutes each day adding to the poster.  It was a fun way to bring the learning to life. 

In fact, we even had a virtual sticker board created of one of their favorite dinosaurs from the PebbleGo research.  The students were very excited when we shared this sticker board and couldn’t wait to see the dinosaur image from PebbleGo emerge as they worked together. 

As our families and community use StickTogether posters this summer in a variety of ways, I have created a place for them to celebrate and share their creations.  I started a Padlet so our families can post pictures of their children with their special StickTogether summer work. 

StickTogether is such a special creative community building activity for our school.  I am happy we were able to bring the posters to our families and can’t wait to hear how they used them throughout the summer months too. 

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