The Healthy Tip Corner

Monday, March 15, 2021

Building Community Between Classrooms and Students With A Little Twist To Our StickTogether Posters!

Our students love working on StickTogether posters.  We hang them up in the hallways and library; lay them out on tables in the library and common spaces; and make them available before and after school.  They are so much fun for all of our students in kindergarten through 12th grade, and for our teachers too.


With this brand new batch of StickTogether posters I just ordered, I wanted to find a way for all of our students and classrooms to participate in placing the stickers to create the beautiful and fun poster images. 

First, I thought about giving a StickTogether poster to each grade level team.  They could take turns passing the poster and stickers around until it was complete.  

As I organized the posters and schedules, another idea came to mind.  

What if I cut a posters and the stickers that go with that poster into four equal parts and distributed those to the classrooms? 

It was worth a try!  Let me now show you what I did. 
I picked one of the Earth Day StickTogether posters called I Love The Earth.  I spread it out and cut the big paper poster part into four equal parts. 
I put the stickers into little piles according to the letter on each. I cut them up and separated them into 4 piles too. 
I folded up the posters, grabbed a few of each lettered sticker and placed them into gallon sized Ziplock baggies. 
I wanted a place to keep each piece of poster and the stickers so I could distribute them easily to the classrooms. 
My plan is to do this to all of the six StickTogether poster kits and get one poster to each grade level team, kindergarten through 5th grade. We have four sections in each grade level so this will work perfectly.  

Once they start working on the posters, if they need more of a certain stickers, they can always swap them with another classroom in their grade level.  I just need to remind them to keep the stickers with their grade level team since they match up to that particular StickTogether poster. 

This will be such a fun and exciting community building activity between our classrooms.  It will definitely make us all "stick together" even more!  

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