The Healthy Tip Corner

Monday, November 30, 2020

A Little Trick That Makes ALL YouTube Videos Ad & Sidebar Videos Free!

I use a lot of videos from YouTube in the resources I curate, create and share with our students and teachers, and others.  Today, my new friend, Jamie Palmer, wrote me to share a little tip with me.

Jamie wrote, 

When you grab a link from a YouTube video, all you have to do is add a "-" (dash) after the "t" in YouTube and it will provide the video with no ads or sidebar videos. I thought this might be of interest to you when adding youtube links on anything you create for your kiddos! 

I was so excited and couldn't wait to give it a try! 
I went to one of the Kodable coding videos I added to the coding choice boards.  I clicked on the link and added the "-" after the "t" in YouTube. 
When I clicked on the video, it opened up to...
...a full-screen with just the video, no ads and sidebar videos.  It worked! 

Click here to give it a try too.  

Thank you Jamie for sharing this little tip.  I will be using this one from now on when I share videos and can't wait to share it with my teacher friends and students at Van Meter too. 

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