The Healthy Tip Corner

Friday, June 5, 2020

Books We Should Read That Discuss and Focus On Race, Equality, Anti-Racism and Social Justice

This has been a difficult time for our country, but one filled with hope and the potential for change. 

I want to be part of the solution. I have been talking, listening, reading, learning, researching and thinking about what I can do to educate my children, family, students, community and myself about race, racism and social justice. 

We need to acknowledge the things we fear and the injustice taking place within our country. We need to work together to create a world that insists on diversity, equality and justice

Through conversations, education and action, I commit to being part of that change.  
In addition to important conversations and actions, books are a vital part of this journey too. The stories they hold within their pages can be windows which give us a way to see into the lives and experiences of others who are different from us.  Reading about these experiences, both real and fictional, can help us better understand and cultivate empathy in new ways. 

As a reader, I have always enjoyed reading and sharing books with these windows, and as a librarian and parent, I share these stories with my students and my own children too.  

So this week, as we come together to create change and find solutions through education, empathy and compassion, I have brought together these important stories to share with others, including our students, teachers and families within our community. 

Through these beautiful and powerful stories and resources (and the important conversations that follow) I hope that minds and hearts open around equity, inclusion and justice. 
I have started a Padlet for Books We Should Read That Discuss and Focus On Race, Equality, Anti-Racism and Social Justice. You will find it here.  

In this Padlet, you will find factual and fictional books to educate, raise awareness and provide conversations around race, anti-racism and social justice for all ages. 
It is organized within fiction and factual books for adult, young adults, tweens,
upper elementary, younger elementary and board and picture books for our youngest children.
The first column is for resources such as book lists, articles, author interviews and....
...a Collection by Destiny that I put together within even more. 

You will find the Race, Anti-Racist and Social Justice Resources For All Students, Librarians, Teachers, Families and Communities Collection here
In this Collection, you will find many important and valuable resources to use within your schools and libraries, and to share with families as they do this work at home too.  

The Padlet and Collection are public and will allow others to share books and resources.  Please feel free to add and share. 

I know I have a lot of important work to do as I not only educate myself, but as I raise awareness and take action on change.  I know I need to do better and be part of this change.  I hear and I see.  I am ready. 

Together, we can all be part of this change, forever. 

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