The Healthy Tip Corner

Monday, May 11, 2020

You've Been Virtually Book'd, Collection & Choice Board, At The Zoo!

Happy Monday, friends, 

I am excited to share this weeks You've Been Virtually Book'd, At The Zoo, because this week we are focused around zoos and animals!

At our school, we have been planning lots of virtual field trips since our elementary students won't be going on their end of the year field trips as planned.  So over the next few weeks, our students will be visiting museums, farms, authors and illustrators at their homes, and we will be visiting the Toledo Zoo four times!

On this weeks You've Been Virtually Book'd, there are all kinds of wonderful zoo themed eBooks from Capstone including...
 ...several nonfiction titles around visiting the zoo and....
two fictional stories with our favorite Capstone characters like Yasmin, and...
...even this fun one from the Can-You-Find-It Book series.  
I also included a Let's Take A Virtual Zoo Field Trip Collection by Destiny in the left hand corner which will take all kids to different zoos virtually around the world and includes this fun...
Virtual Reality Animals Trips kids can visit by scanning the QR codes on this poster and more. 

You will find this week You've Been Virtually Book'd At The Zoo Buncee here to share with your students and families.  
This is the 7th week for the You've Been Virtually Book'd Buncee's with Capstone eBooks and eResourcs.  You will find them all on this special Buncee Board

And you can read all about our You've Been Book'd book program and find the template to make your own in this post from my blog

Have a great week, friends!  

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