The Healthy Tip Corner

Sunday, March 24, 2019

A Stamp & Place For A Quick Write During Our Skype In The Classroom Events!

We use Skype in the Classroom often at our school.

We Skype with authors, illustrators, experts of all kinds, and other classrooms and libraries full of kids, librarians and teachers from around the world. In fact, this week as we go back to school from being on spring break, we have a Mystery Skype with our 3rd graders; a Skype with author Doreen Cronin and our 2nd graders; a Skype with our first graders and the zoo in Toledo, Ohio; and a few others.

During these special virtual events, I like to remind our students to think about questions, comments or even things they are thinking about during the Skype.
In a recent Skype after giving each one of the kids a sticky note, I thought....

Why not make a stamp to add to the top of each sticky note that reminds them, This is what I was thinking during our Skype. 
So, I went to Amazon where I have found personalized stamps very reasonably priced before and ordered one that said,
This is what I was thinking during our Skype. 
Now, as we get ready for all of these Skype's this week and throughout the year, we can quickly stamp, or have the kids stamp, at the top of the sticky note to give them the perfect place for a little quick write of reflections and questions during these amazing events.  

I can't wait to see how this will liven up our conversations and make our Skype in the Classroom events even more engaging and meaningful.  I will be sure to let all of you how it goes too! 

1 comment:

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