The Healthy Tip Corner

Monday, July 16, 2018

Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Tools, Resources and Ideas!

One of my goals over the summer is to learn all I can about virtual, augmented and mixed reality.  I want to be able to bring these amazing tools and resources to all of the students at Van Meter when we kick off a new year this fall.  
I have used augmented and virtual reality in the library when we embedded book talks into the covers of eBooks using LayAR for our Readbox and....
....on Dot Day when the kids colored and played with Quiver's Dot Day coloring page.  

They LOVED these activities and were so engaged, excited and wanted more experiences like this.
This year when the 2018 Best Websites for Teaching and Learning were announced, 
I was excited to see two of my favorite augmented and virtual reality tools....Metaverse and CoSpaces Edu!

You will find Metaverse and CoSpaces Edu in the Collection by Destiny of Best Websites here.

Metaverse uses an easy storyboarding process with no programming required, students and educators can create their own sophisticated, interactive augmented reality mobile games, interactive stories, breakout challenges and more.  Apps can include videos, 3D objects, websites and more.   
CoSpaces Edu lets users build and navigate 3D and 360 degree virtual reality worlds, either replicating actual places or creating imaginary ones using objects and backgrounds from Cospace's library or importing your own.  
Cospaces Edu also allows users to animate and code creations with simple visual programming language.  Use this app to create simulations, tours, games and more.  

I am so excited about the potential and possibilities of Metaverse and CoSpaces! I can't wait to explore these more as I can collaborate, plan and create with my teacher librarian partner and colleagues...and of course with our students. 
As I read, research and learn about all of these amazing tools and resources, I will bring them together in this new Collection, VR, AR and Mixed Reality Tools and Resources that you will find here.  

It is a public Collection so please feel free to share and let me know if you'd like to add things to it too. 

This is just a start....I can't wait to share more along the way! 

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