The Healthy Tip Corner

Friday, March 2, 2018

Libraries Are For Creating....LOOK It's Teen Tech Week, March 4-10, 2018!

There is a very exciting week for our teens right around the corner! 
It is Teen Tech Week and we will celebrate from March 4-10.  This year's theme is Libraries Are You Creating!  

As the Teen Tech Week YALSA Ning states, 

This year's theme encourages teens to take advantage of all the great digital tools offered through the library to become content creators, and to leverage library resources to share out their creations, whether they be podcasts, videos, apps, games, wearable tech, or some other fabulous invention or creation!

I love how this ties into Makerspaces and all of the creating that takes place in our libraries every day. Our teens are going to love this special week of creating and making too!  

To get started, visit the Teen Tech Week site here.  This has wonderful resources included as we plan the week and extend these activities throughout the year.   
I especially LOVE all of the Event and Activity Ideas from YALSA...
I also put together the Teen Tech Week Collection today and started filling it with all kinds of
awesome resources!
You will find the Teen Tech Week Titlewave List from our friends at Follett very helpful in adding books to your library collection about making too.  

I can't wait to see what everyone has planned and all of the making that is going to take place next week during Teen Tech Week!  I hope that you share these resources with your community and students. 
And don't forget to share pictures and events on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook using #teentechweek where lots of things are already being shared!  

Happy Teen Week, everyone!  Enjoy this week of making, creating and connecting with your teens and community too! 

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